Cisco Express-Network on Wheels (NOW): Technology In Container
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Stay over for three days (28-30/1), the container that was parked in ITB campus gate, visited by hundreds visitors. On Wednesday (28 / 1), public sector became the target for this running exhibition. Regional Secretary of West Java Province, Lex Leksamana, representatives of Economy Journalist (Warta Ekonomi), and the Managing Director of Cisco Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, welcomed by Boy Kombaitan as Vice Rector of Communication and Secretary (WRKS) of ITB. Day two and three visited by business and academia.According to Irfan, Cisco NoW brought a hope that latest technology and solutions can be delivered with approaching the customers and academia. Irfan also explained, in addition to choosing ITB as its stop is because ITB competency and also because 70% of Cisco employees are ITB alumnuee who is 90% of them graduated from Electrical Engineering. Students are also expected to see and observe the condition of the internet world that is no longer limited with the scope of PC-to-PC. And at the end, all forms of communication technology can be connected to each other.
In turn, visitors were given explanations on the unified commucition, digital publicity, building automation, energy control systems and management of facilities by Cisco engineer. Among many technologies that have brought, unified communication technology was attracted one of the visitor, Samuel, ITB Oil Engineering students. Quoted from Irfan Setiaputra when speaking at the opening ceremony, Samuel showed his admiration about handie-talkie (HT) that can stay in touch even with a different frequency and separated thousands of kilometers in distance. This is possible because Cisco devices integrate communications equipment so that the limits of conventional as expressed above can be overcomed.