LPPM ITB Inaugurates Wisatabira.com as a Community Service Service in Bira Village
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

Bira, itb.ac.id--As a form of community service, the Research and Community Service team of ITB (from LPPM ITB) created a website to promote tourism in Bira Village, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, namely wisatabira.com.
This service was offered by a member of the LPPM ITB team, Dr. Ira Adriati, S.Sn., M.Sn., who researched Bira Bulukumba, South Sulawesi. In addition to launching the wisatabira.com website, the ITB Faculty of Arts and Design lecturer has also successfully written two books related to Bira, entitled Bira Tourism and Bira Maritime Culture.
Dr. Ira Adriati Winarno said that she had visited Bira for the fourth time. She said that she set foot in Bira in 2016 after being assigned to research the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) by researching Pinisi.
"From there, I saw that Bira Village has enormous potential for tourism advancement and also uniqueness that other regions do not have. For that reason, I proposed a collaboration for Bira Village as a pilot village for cultural tourism based on local wisdom of the Bugis people," said Ira as quoted by Antara, quoted from Makassar Terkini.
In September 2020, she and her team successfully carried out community service activities through training for members of craft makers by involving the craftsman community.
According to her, this is done to improve the local economy. She hopes that the wisatabira.com website can increase tourism promotion and marketing in Bira.
"We hope that this platform can increase the promotion and marketing of tourism and the creative economy of Bira Village, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency and have an impact on improving the community's economy," said Ira.
The Head of Bira Village, Murlawa, really appreciates the LPPM ITB team, especially Dr. Ira Adriati Winarno, who has taken the time to do research and has helped the community a lot in doing service so far. "I really appreciate the LPPM ITB team for choosing our village as a research location and doing service in our area," he explained.
"We also express our appreciation for creating innovation and supporting the creation of a tourist information platform for Bira village," he continued.
The launch of the wisatabira.com website was attended by the Head of Bira Village, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency, Murlawa, which was marked by the click of a button, Monday, October 18, 2021, at the Bira Village Office, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi.
Dr. Ira Adriati Winarno gave a souvenir to the Head of Bira Village, Murlawa, during the website's launching.
The launching was also witnessed by the Bulukumba Regency SKPD and Forkopimda, such as the Bulukumba Regency PMD Office, Bulukumba Regency Tourism and Culture Office, Diskominfo, Bulukumba Police Chief, Sector Head, Kodim, KUA, Bira BPD, and several institutions and community leaders.
Source: Makassar Terkini
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)