Djoko Suharto: Autonomy of Higher Education, Doesn't Mean Free Without Limits

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG , - "In this country , education is a luxury item" a statement which is often ejected when the issues raised regarding education in this country . Speaking on the issue of education , of course these days the debate on the UU No.12 in 2012 discussing about 'Higher Education' also influence the media landscape . It is inevitable that UU No. 12 in 2012 is reaping a lot of controversy , starting from infringement lawsuit constitution , the paradigm of higher education who believe profit oriented , until the last is an issue of high tuition fees . In connection with this issue , Prof. Djoko Suharto , M.Sc. , as Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees in 2013 ITB is pleased to provide its opinion to Kantor Berita ITB . Located in Gedung BPI Dipati Ukur , Djoko explained his opinion on the establishment of the Law of the Higher Education .
ITB can be said that higher education is already familiar with the word 'autonomy' . Once established as PT BHMN in 2001 , the legal status of ITB has experienced ups and downs and eventually published UU No. 12 in 2012 ( the record is still there 'judicial review' of the law on the Constitutional Court ) . Followed by the issuance of PP 58 in 2013 on Shapes and State Universities Funding Mechanism and PP 65 in 2013 on the Statute of the Institute of Technology Bandung , ITB legal status is more clear now and the future development of ITB will be more autonomous .

What about the perceptions that have been mentioned above before? paradigm into the same legal entity the privatization process is a thing that is common in the community . "First of all , need to know first if it's actually a Public Law Board . Called a public entity because it is a state or government agency that runs the functions or duties of government , but given the status of a legal entity , not because of any country or government equity ," said Djoko . In addition , autonomy phrase also often mistakenly interpreted . "Autonomy implies independence , and not an arrangement of sovereign independence . So autonomy is a part , an integral part of a larger unit that is unity the country ," he said quoting Bagir Manan's statement while defending stakeholders including the ITB in the Constitutional Court .

Clearly the definition of  Badan Hukum Publik , currently the State University ITB is given the status of a legal entity in the form of Public Legal Entity State Universities ( PTN BH ) and not the Public Service Board for ITB choose greater autonomy in the management of non - academic . With this management arrangement , ITB is expected to be able to develop more rapidly in terms of education and research , and community service, particularly in the development of technology and industry in Indonesia .

For about 10 years , ITB has experience in managing a public entity in the era of PT BHMN 2002. "I call it the era of Autonomy 1.0 , many lessons can be obtained which also can be used as a reference implementation of the statute ITB ( PP 65 in 2013 , red.) And also a lot of things that need to be evaluated so that perception is wrong , especially for commercialization or privatization issues could be eliminated," said Djoko . It needs to be emphasized is the sense in which the state Badan Hukum Publik still has indirect responsibility , especially in PP 58 2013 was clearly set on subsidies and grants for operating funds for investment funds . "The main challenge lies in the implementation of the measures , it seems we do have to learn more in its governance . Problem lies in the implementation of the funding arrangements that still does not meet expectations , not in violation of the constitution," he continued .

Autonomy as a Changing Culture

Reflecting back on the 1945 soul , it can be concluded that at the time held the vision that Indonesia is leading to a system of 'welfare state' to the state play a major role . This is reflected in the chapter and verse that govern the education, health , the economy until the state commercial enterprises . "But be aware that the implementation of the 'welfare state' is not an easy problem . For example, we can learn from the failure of some countries such as those in Greece today. Times have changed and the private system does little to advance the state that proved successful especially for running enterprise. I argue that both systems can go hand in hand," said Djoko .

Badan Hukum Publik should be run by professionals and is led by people chosen and implemented with a straightforward and unequivocal . "Indonesia also were preparing to run a Public Law Board that the impact will be immense if implemented properly , the Social Security Agency ( BJPS ) Health and Retirement / Old Age . Seems it was about time Badan Hukum Publik can focus and concentration runs function is to promote Indonesia , "said Djoko . "People who are used to taking orders with all the rules , decrees , guidelines , and so on are given from the top without looking at the situation and local conditions , it will be difficult to change towards autonomy , " he continued

The analogy of a college cultural transformation pre autonomy , described as a person who minded employees , university autonomy be likened to a person mentally investors . But in this case , it should be understood that the analogy between university autonomy and investors should not be construed or perceived as a necessity universities to commercialize their own 100 % of the money required , keep in mind that college investment is primarily for education , research , and development resources human and scientific development .

Prioritizing Role of Higher Education in Education , Research , and Community Service

That is true id associated with Tri Dharma University , the focus is more directed to education and research and community service . However, it is not impossible if one day community service activities are developed in such a way that fosters the industry , which in turn can improve the life of the community . Regarding the status of its own , with universities autonomy and incorporated the legal use of public funds , the college must have a clear plan to use block grant funds and public funds . "In addition , the utilization of these funds must be done in a responsible manner and through a transparent process . Comparison between funds from the government and the public ( including private companies ) should also be reflected in the budget planning college , so it does not mean it's independence autonomy itself but also has a limit , " said Djoko .

At the end of the interview , Djoko said his hope for keberjalanan back in the era of autonomy ITB 2.0 and universities in other Indonesian , " In carrying out the functions of education , the state should still be present and supervise the implementation of Public Law Board order that higher education in this country more of a ' public good ' , not a luxury that only the onion certain circles can enjoy it , " said Djoko close the interview .

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