2022 ITB OSKM Welcomes New Students with the Spirit of Transformation for the Nation

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id– This year’s ITB OSKM is held as a hybrid event on August 17-20. Focusing on instilling cultural values, students are hoped to be able to contribute to the country in the future.

The event began with remarks from Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., the Rector of ITB. In addition, new students were welcomed warmly by Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java) and Arifin Tasrif (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources). The three of them are ITB alumni who graduated from Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Chemical Engineering Study Program respectively.

"Students who try to explore outside the college academic life have the potential to be more academically successful and graduate on time,” Prof. Reini stated. “OSKM wishes to teach new students about the importance of learning both hard and soft skills for everyday application. OSKM also serves as a place of socialization and creative brainstorming to solve various problems.”

The progressive transformation was chosen as the vision as well as the first step in building a nation. It is hoped that the values shared with students may guide them in improving their potential to support the development of Indonesia.

The 2022 ITB OSKM was attended by first-year students from the Ganesha and Jatinangor campuses with 3,897 and 928 students respectively. A series of online activities were scheduled throughout the event, inviting several prominent national figures. The first day (17/08/2022) presented an online talk show titled "Challenges of the Present" with Najwa Shihab and Ilham Akbar Habibie, emphasizing the essence of adaptive attitudes for students.

On the second day, students were allowed to take part in "Treasure Hunt" challenges that are held offline. With their respective mentor group, they are enthusiastic about the challenges that act as a campus tour.

The online mentoring session was held on the third day with discussions about three topics: the urgency of progressive transformation, responsible freedom, and self-development journey. These topics are hoped to equip students throughout their college life to continuously improve themselves.

The closing of ITB OSKM was on the fourth day, in which Sabda PS, the CEO of Zenius Education as well as an alumnus of ITB Informatics Engineering Study Program, was invited as the speaker for the talk show "Contribution to Build Indonesia".

The series of events took place in full spirit despite the limitations of the new normal. Aside from the core activities, various student associations, units, and performances were introduced.

"After participating in ITB OSKM, I hope new students can be excited about studying at ITB. They are also expected to realize their roles as students to constantly seek for self-improvement. In ITB, there are many places to accommodate students’ talents and passions, such as KM ITB," the Head of 2022 ITB OSKM, Manav Hardinata Jamaddhiha N., concluded.

Reporter: Lukman Ali (Mechanical Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)

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