Dominating Medal Count in ON MIPA-PT 2018, ITB Won Overall Winner for Four Consecutive Years
By Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT
Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) becomes the overall winner of National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for Universities 2018 which was held by Directorate General for academic and student affairs. ITB dominate the medal count in four fields in this year’s ON MIPA-PT after doing the same in three previous years. Prior to 2018, ITB became overall winner in ON MIPA-PT in 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013 and 2010.
The Olympiad that has been held since 2002 aims to encourage students to achieve higher in mathematics and natural sciences both nationally and internationally. ON MIPA-PT was participated by hundreds of students from dozens of universities in Indonesia. The competition offers three gold medals, five silver medals, and seven bronze medals on each of its four fields. The fields are mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. ITB students won 6 gold medals, 10 silver medals, and 6 bronze medals as well as 2 honorable mentions.
According to the press release issued by Directorate General for Academic and Student Affairs of Kemenristekdikti, this year’s ON MIPA get significant raise in terms of the score achieved by the participants compared to last year. Highest score in mathematics is 82.5 and scored by Bimo Adityarahman Wiraputra from ITB, highest score in physics is 240 and scored by Jyesta Mahayu Adhidewata from ITB, highest score in chemistry is 273 and scored by Zulfa Hilmi Kautsar also from ITB, and highest score in Biology is 64.1 and scored by Siswadi Aji Hutomo from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB).
The three days final of ONMIPA in Malang was participated by 456 students from 85 universities. Following are the names of the winners:
Gold Medal:
1. Bimo A Wiraputra (ITB)
2. Alzima Badril Umam (UGM)
3. Sue Evan Setiawan (ITS)
Silver Medal:
1. M. Afifurrahman (ITB)
2. Laurence Petrus Wijaya (ITB)
3. M. Ihsan (UGM)
4. Resita Sri Wahyuni (UGM)
5. Nabil Mahatir (UPI)
Bronze Medal:
1. Hopein Christofen Tang (ITB)
2. Aji Luhur Bhakti I.F (UI)
3. M. Zulfikar Aditya N (ITB)
4. Rio Fandi D (UI)
5. Adryan Wiradinata (UGM)
6. Nabil Nabawi Wibisono (ITB)
7. Valentino Prasetya (UI)
Honorable Mention:
1. Stefanus Ng (UI)
2. Grace Reni Agustina (IPB)
3. M. Rizki Fadillah (ITB)
4. Venansius Ryan Tjahyono (ITS)
5. Andry Wijaya (UI)
Gold Medal:
1. Jyesta Mahayu Adhidewata (ITB)
2. Hadyan Luthfan Prihadi (ITB)
3. Bonfilio Nainggolan (ITB)
Silver Medal:
1. Disniyanto Aldi Dwika (ITB)
2. Faizal Husni (ITB)
3. M. Reza Nurrahman (ITB)
4. M. Ahyad (IPB)
5. Wilwin (UI)
Bronze Medal:
1. Daniel Sanjaya (ITB)
2. I Wayan Windu Sara (Undhiksa)
3. Gian Parusa (UI)
4. Rizky Ananda (UGM)
5. Juhri Hendrawan (UGM)
6. Kasyfil Albar (ITS)
7. Anugrah Yoga Pratama (UGM)
Honorable Mention:
1. Naura Assyifa Salma (ITS)
2. Arifin Achmad (UGM)
3. Aziz Albar R (UGM)
4. Nugrah Abil Akbar (IPB)
5. Fajrul Falah (UNDIP)
Gold Medal:
1. Zulfa Hilmi Kautsar (ITB)
2. Yafi Surya Permana (UGM)
3. Alan D Tanuwijaya (Univ. Surabaya/Ubaya)
Silver Medal:
1. Daniel Yosua ELT (ITB)
2. Billgerd Tjengal (ITB)
3. Stanley Austin Susanto (UI)
4. Gilbert (ITB)
5. Gilbert (ITS)
Bronze Medal:
1. Hendra (UGM)
2. Kevin Jayaatmaja (Ubaya)
3. Andika Prasetyo Santoso (Ubaya)
4. M Diki Permana (UNPAD)
5. Nando Reza Pratama (UNAIR)
6. M Ridho Setyawan (ITB)
7. Jelang Muhammad D (UNPAD)
Honorable Mention:
1. Wahyuda Nuzul Fahmi (UGM)
2. Regina Rachel Gunawan (UGM)
3. Cita Kurnia Hermaningsih (UB)
4. Sofiatun Hasanah (IPB)
5. Ikhlas Khairil Imam (ITB)
Gold Medal:
1. Siswadi Aji Hutomo (IPB)
2. Muhammad Ghufron (ITB)
3. Muhammad Ikhsan (UI)
Silver Medal:
1. Abdulloh Kafa Bihi (ITB)
2. Roihan Mohamad Iqbal (UGM)
3. Natasha Amanda (Ubaya)
4. Muhammad Ghaffar M (ITB)
5. Ihsan Fahmi R (UNAIR)
Bronze Medal:
1. Meilisa Dwi Nurdiyanti (IPB)
2. Fatin Camillia Azhary (Undip)
3. Bagus Setiyo Aji (UI)
4. Nicolas Hosea Christiantono (ITB)
5. Wahyu Setia Widodo (UPI)
6. Calvin Wijaya Johan (Ubaya)
7. Azzahra Asysyifa (UGM)
Honorable Mention:
1. Muhamad Raffel Sidiq (IPB)
2. Clairine Nathania (Ubaya)
3. Timothy Jordan (Undip)
4. Ita Rostina (UI)
5. Velika (Ubaya)
The closing ceremony took place in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in Malang, East Java. The winners are also officially announced through a Decree Number 1275/B3.1/KEP/2018 that was issued by Directorate for Student Affairs, Directorate General for Academic and Student Affairs of Kemenristekdikti on 7th May 2018 in Jakarta.