Dynamics at the Heart of ITB Campus

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id-ITB campus is meticulously designed. It can be seen from many of its elements that are deliberately designed to be simetrical, like some roads and buildings. If carefully traced, it is concluded that the center of all the symetry is a famous pond named 'Kolam Indonesia Tenggelam' (the Sinking Indonesia). The pond is located in a transition zone, in which four big buildings called 'Gedung Labtek' (Technological Laboratory Building) and some memorial ornaments are located. These monuments have witnessed a number of research and innovation done by ITB civitas academica.

Kolam Indonesia Tenggelam (the Sinking Indonesia)

The name (Indonesia Tenggelam) is given because there are green tiles arranged in such a way that forms the map of Indonesia, at the pond's foundation. Amongst the green tiles lie the red tiles, identifying the capital of each province. In the pond's periphery, there stretches, radially, the tiles carved by the names of all ITB study majors. The carved tiles of each respective study major, point to the real geographical location of the study major's department building.

These symbols convey the message, that in the spirit to build Indonesia, ITB always aims to contribute by improving the education quality of all the field of knowledge it offers. In addition to Indonesia Tenggelam, there are other ponds in the north and south of Intel (the acronym for Indonesia Tenggelam). At these ponds' foundation lie the tiles arranged to form Indonesia Raya's (Indonesian national anthem) musical score.

The Four Labtek

Surrounding Indonesia Tenggelam, there are four buildings with stone pillars and traditional roof's design, but is anchored by red-colored pipes symbolizing modernity. These buildings are known as 'Labtek', and are given sequential numbers. The one located in the southwest is called Labtek V. Then, following a clockwise direction, the other Labtek are called Labtek VI, Labtek VII, and Labtek VIII.

After the celebration of ITB anniversary in 2008, these buildings are named after some alumni who has given the donation, to appreciate their contribution. Labtek V is called Benny Subianto building, alumnus of Mechanical Engineering 1960. Labtek VI is called T.P. Rachmat building, also the alumnus of Mechanical Engineering 1961. Labtek VII is called Yusuf Panigoro building, the father of Arifin Panigoro, alumnus of Electrical Engineering 1973. Labtek VIII is called Ahmad Bakrie building; the father of Aburizal Bakrie, alumnus of Electrical Engineering.

These buildings consist of, mostly, the laboratories, classrooms, and administration rooms for several study majors and faculties. Informatics Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering Physics Department, and Ocean Engineering Department is located in the four labtek. School of Pharmacy, along with Pharmacy Science and Technology Department, also Clinical and Community Pharmacy Department is located in the complex of four labtek. Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) and School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering (STEI) hold some of their activity in these buildings, even though not all of their activity is situated there.

The buildings' terrace is often used for student unit activities. Due to the prevalence of student activity, the area is never empty, always full of people even during holidays. The students gather at this place not only for academics or administrative purposes, but also for doing simple chitchat with friends by having seats around.

In the weekend, some student units utilize the terrace to conduct their meetings and practices. Karate, for instance, uses Yusuf Panigoro Building's terrace to practice. Wi-fi signals are available around these buildings, enabling a lot of students to browse the internet. The students needing internet access can utilize Benny Subianto and Yusuf Panigoro terrace. There is also Eco-spot, which is located in T.P. Rachmat building and is managed by Engineering Physics Department. As it is available for 24 hours, students can sit there for hours, even at night.

Student Union Activity

Similar view is often seen at some other spots in four labtek. The crowd is mainly situated because there are some student unions' headquarters, such as that of Informatics Engineering Student Association (HMIF) in Benny Subianto building, Engineering Physics Student Association (HMFT) and Ocean Engineering Student Asociation (KMKL) in T.P. Rachmat building, Electrical Engineering Student Association (HME) and Pharmacy Student Association (HMF) Ars Preparandi in Yusuf Panigoro building.

The activities taking place range from as simple as pingpong game to election hearing for the presidents of student union. Some graduation celebration also takes place there in April, July, and October, in which students dress up and arrange attractions to celebrate the graduation. Celebration for ITB anniversary in 2008 and Pasar Seni ITB 2010 also utilized this area. Numerous public figure and famous celebrities had come and performed at the stagelocated in this area during the event.

A plethora of ideas, euphoria, joy, and inspiration is born in these buildings. May the four labtek stands, and witnesses all those thoughts and ideas finally come into reality, as Indonesia grows into a more prosper nation in the future.

 [Ria Ayu Pramudita]

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