Edu Kidz: Education in the Spirit of Art Work Creation

Oleh prita

Editor prita

BANDUNG, - Tens of elementary school kids crowded the balcony of Achmad Bakrie building and Benny Subianto building, ITB. The kids' teachers and parents are also seen accompanying. These kids are the participant of Edu Kidz - one of ITB Fair 2010's events targeted for elementary school children, consisting of four "classes": paperclay class, origami class, drawing class, and cooking class.

Edu Kidz lasted on February 6 and 7, 2010. On February 6 2010 at 10.00-17.00, students of Al-Falah, Coblong IV, and Coblong VI elementary school (SD) gained the opportunity to learn drawing, cooking, paper folding, and clay-making. On February 7, at 08.00-17.00, Edu Kidz was open in public to children in ITB surroundings.

Clay from Tapioca

Paperclay class' coordinator, Fisaura Unsa (FTTM 2009), said that paperclay class utilized the material similar to clay. "The clay sold in the common markets makes use of some unrenewable oil", she explained. "in order to increase the habit of using renewable resources, for this activity, we made our own clay using flour, tapioca, or rice flour, then mixed it with glue and color substance."

Most trainers of paperclay class came from Fine Art Faculty, ITB. In these "classes", the participants were split into groups. Each group produced an artwork using clay. While guiding the kids, the trainers also gave them the room to freely create artistic products.

In the cooking class, the participants were invited to perform a cooking demo.
"Each kid gets their turn to hold a spoon and practice cooking," said Rininta Sari (SBM 2009), coordinator of cooking class. "When the kids are performing the cooking demo, the trainer stays next to them and gives directions."

Parents have a great deal of support towards this kind of creativity improvement activity. One of the parents of the students of Al-Falah elementary school says that she's very supportive towards the creativity- developing activities that are done outside classes. She agrees that students need more than just routine in-class activities; the creativity improvement activity done outside classes is also needed to balance and to support the in-class teaching and learning activity.

This event was packaged in such a way that comforts and pleases children. Interactive trainers and the offered gifts for group with the best art work, was some of this event's strong points. The format of this event was arranged so that the kids feel comfortable and in the end, feel challenged to make creations.

[Fathir Ramadhan]

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