K2R NEO 2.0 2024: UNIKA Soegijapranata and PT PP Emerge as Champions

Oleh M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

JATINANGOR, itb.ac.id – The Lean Construction Competition (K2R) NEO 2.0, organized by the Construction and Infrastructure Management Research Group, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (KK KMI FCEE ITB), was successfully held at the Multipurpose Building II (GOR Futsal), ITB Jatinangor Campus, on Saturday (5/10/2024). The competition featured 28 teams consisting of students, contractor practitioners, and individuals representing teams for the event.

K2R NEO 2.0 is a simulation competition for construction project implementation using the Last Planner System (LPS) or the Final Planning System (SPA), which includes Collaborative Pull Planning, MakeReady, Production Evaluation and Planning, and Production Management. The event was held with the involvement of students and construction practitioners all across Indonesia. 

The construction project simulation was carried out using Lego game blocks, where participants role-played the different parties involved in a construction project. These roles included one main contractor, six subcontractors, one supplier, and one Occupational Safety and Health (K3) supervisor.

The goal of the simulation was to produce a building that met the values desired by its users, comprising fast implementation (time), adherence to design (quality), and minimal waste (cost).

The winners of K2R NEO 2.0 2024 were categorized into students and practitioners. 

Student Category Winners

1st Place: Fix It Geno Team from UNIKA Soegijapranata
2nd Place: Dipo Lean Manifesto from Diponegoro University
3rd Place: PILAR UII 1 from Universitas Islam Indonesia

Practitioner Category Winners

1st Place: Infra-2_PTPP from PT PP (Persero) Tbk
2nd Place: ENG DLAPAN from PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk
3rd Place: Mardua Holong from PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk

A representative of the Fix It Geno Team from UNIKA Soegijapranata, Vincent Genova, expressed his enthusiasm for the competition. “The competition was exciting, nerve-wracking, and mentally exhausting because we had to constantly think on our feet. Each session required a different solution,” he shared.

Vincent hopes that future K2R competitions will expand to high school (SMA/SMK) students and be held in other regions across Indonesia. He also emphasized that communication was the key to his team’s success. “Good communication between teammates is important. We have to understand each other and avoid selfishness,” he added.

Meanwhile, Ikhsan Budi Prasetyo from PT PP, the first-place winner in the practitioner category and also an alumnus of ITB Civil Engineering Class of 2009, praised the K2R concept because it models planning and project management stages entirely from start to finish.

“The entire planning process resembles a real project. This is valuable for construction practitioners, as it refreshes their knowledge on managing lean projects,” he remarked.

He expressed hope that similar competitions would continue and be organized outside of ITB, serving as a reference for construction practitioners nationwide.

This aligns with the competition objective as mentioned by ITB’s Vice Rector for Finance, Planning, and Development, Prof. Ir. Muhamad Abduh, M.T., Ph.D., who is also the Chief Executive of K2R NEO 2.0 2024. He stated, "We aim for this activity to be replicated in various regions across Indonesia while maintaining the K2R learning platform. Currently, we have K2R NEO 2.0, and in the future, we may have K2R NEO 2.1, 2.2, and so on. Our goal is to make lean construction practices more widespread, as we believe it can transform construction performance in Indonesia."  

In addition, 7 individuals participated in the competition, forming a team consisting of 3 ITB students, 2 UGM students, and 2 practitioners from PT PP.

Ad Zulfa Geofani Firdaus, Head of the Individual Team from PT PP, mentioned that the team had only met the day before the competition and quickly devised a strategy. “For teamwork, I really appreciate my teammates. We just met last night, coordinated briefly this morning, and then competed. Everyone was able to understand and complement each other,” he said.

He further explained that frequent practice is a key strategy for competitions like this. “The more you practice, the more effective your time management becomes. You can anticipate placements and coordinates, ensuring nothing is installed incorrectly,” he concluded.

Reporter: Ahmad Fauzi (Forestry Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Editor: Kezia Hosana (Chemical Engineering, 2022)

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