Educating Stress Management Through Video, ITB Students Won 2nd Place in Trilogi Open 2023

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Diky Purnama, S.Si.,M.Ds.

BANDUNG, – Two students from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) won second place in Open Trilogy Educational Video Competition 2023, organized by the Special Division of Psychology Volunteer Team (Trilogy), and the Psychology Student Association at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana. These two students are Dilpa Nur Saputra (Interior Design, 2021) and Ghifari Jauhar Yajri (Petroleum Engineering, 2022).

The competition's theme was "Breaking Barriers: Teens Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Others," challenging the participants to create creative, solutive, and applicable educational videos aimed at helping the community overcome various social issues.In an interview with the DXG Team, which represents the initials of the two members, on Sunday (3/10/2023), Dilpa and Ghifari shared their experiences during the competition.

The DXG Team focused on developing strong motivation, honing their public speaking skills, and improving their video editing abilities to create a creative video. The collaboration between these two students was closely knit, with Ghifari being responsible for the video script and details, while Dilpa handled the visual and editing aspects.

Both students conducted a deep research on stress management as it is the main focus of their video. They aimed to provide practical and useful solutions, especially for young people facing increasing pressure and stress in their daily lives.

The video featured scenes of two characters, one experiencing stress and the other offering  solutions. They emphasized the importance of exercise, meditation, taking time for oneself, and talking to someone trusted as effective ways to manage stress. The key message they wanted to convey is that stress is a natural part of life but there are ways to manage it effectively.

During the preparation, one of the significant challenges they faced was having different packed schedules. With their busy schedules and various academic assignments, Dilpa and Ghifari had to work hard to manage their time and meet virtually to plan, shoot videos, and edit their contents.

Fortunately, they handled this challenge well by maintaining good communication, effectively managing their schedules, and dividing tasks between them."This experience taught us a lot about teamwork, creativity, and perseverance. We understand that with determination and dedication, we can overcome any challenges. This victory serves as a significant motivation for us to keep improving and participating in future competitions," said Dilpa.

Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi (Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)

Translator: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering, 2019)

Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)

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