Electrical Engineering Awards 2007: Closing Day

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Bandung, itb.ac.id - Wednesday (15/11) is the last day of Final Electrical Engineering Awards (EEA) 2007. 15 finalist teams who has passed adjudication processes for two days before, presented their projects in an exhibition placed in Campus Center ITB. Most of exhibition attendees are universities students from ITB and other universities. Each team explain to attendees who came to their stand. The attendees seemed enthusiastically listening explanation from the team finalist; some of them tried to use the device invented. The exhibition lasted until afternoon, 16.00 pm. Closing ceremony of EEA 2007 was placed in West Hall ITB. MC opened the ceremony at 19.00 pm. Team Raphadona from ITB won the 'juara umum' award and deserved to have the 6 million IDR prize. Meanwhile in the category 'human health' alone, team D'Bonz ITB won the award. Team Verci, also from ITB, won award in the category of 'renewable energy utilization'. While Teap IIP MAF Jogja, from Universitas Gadjah Mada, won the awards in the category of 'early warning system and disaster mitigation'. Favorite award was given to team Konoha from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November. Award winner in each category deserved to have each team, 5 million IDR prize.

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