Media and Journalistic Week 2012: Journalism Workshop for Campus Media

Oleh Amelia Rahma Faustina

Editor Amelia Rahma Faustina

BANDUNG, - Ministry of Communications and Information Student Family Association (KM) ITB and ITB Student Association School of Biological Science and Technology (Hima-SITH) Nymphaea together held Media and Journalism ITB 2012. The event was held on Saturday 25/02/12 in the Auditorium East Campus Center (CC) ITB. The event was filled by the speaker of the Kompas TV, National Geographic Indonesia, as well as Boulevard ITB. The event is primarily aimed at representatives of the campus media, especially the media set. The event also showcased the photographs of National Geographic Indonesia, excerpts from magazine articles professionalism campus, as well as the magazine itself.
This event brings Adi Putro Wibisono Alexander as head of Reuters TV coverage, Firman Firdaus as the editor of National Geographic Eden Indonesia, as well as Panji Wicaksono (Geophysical Engineering 2006) from Boulevard ITB. Alex gave a presentation in the form of journalism in general, therefore Firman provides material on the work of popular science writing. As the last presenter, Panji gave a short training using Adobe InDesign.

At fisrt, KM ITB had this work program called Media Week. Because of this work program is in conjunction with the work program Nymphaea, then both of them made this event as a form of cooperation between the KM-ITB with Nymphaea. The venue was filled with student participants at the day of the program. "At that time, registration was opened in the morning and at night, tickets were already booked out. There are even some who have entered the waiting list," said Imara Deasty (Microbiology 2009) as chairman of the event.

Training for Campus Media

According Deasty, the movement of the campus media, especially magazines professionalism showed a positive trend. It can be seen from a few magazine campus displayed at this event, such as Enviro of Environmental Engineering Student Association, Student Association of Electrotechnical Electrons, and Quarks of Physics Students Association. In addition to the magazine at the venue, there are actually several other magazines that have not been exhibited. "We have had a lot of magazines are made by the student association. This is nice because usually there is a lot of interesting information but not well publicized to the masses even to its own campus. Magazine professionalism is a way to distribute information," said Deasty.

In addition, training is also intended to improve the quality of campus media. "Currently the magazine is stillbeing distributed only inside the ITB campus. Sometimes the language used is rather difficult to be enjoyed by the general public or even the students from different disciplines," said Deasty. From this event, she hopes that the campus media could enhance the quality and scope of distribution, and can be enjoyed by the general public also.

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