ETMC Conference 2023 Efforts in Facing Environmental Challenges

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BALI, — Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung (FCEE ITB) organized the 7th annual Environmental Technology and Management Conference (ETMC) 2023, that was held from Wednesday-Friday (1-3/11/2023) at The Patra Bali Resort and Villas, Bali.

This event originally served as a vessel for the community to help solve different kinds of environmental issues related to the earth’s very own ecosystem. Most of these issues are coming from global warming, extreme climate changes, as well as other damaging causes.

On top of that, high contamination levels in air, water, and land not only cause environmental damage but also contribute factors damaging to public health.

These issues are a main priority that must be addressed during this time. Furthermore, community services by the government, business owners, and the community should be done as soon as possible in order to further restrain the environmental crisis.

ETMC 2023's main objective is to contribute real solutions by gathering professionals around the world to share their knowledge and experiences while dealing with the issues surrounding the environment and climate changes in the past.

ITB Rector, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., welcomed the theme for the annual conference as “Anticipating and Addressing Emerging Environmental Challenges", which acts in accordance with ITB's commitment to facing concern towards environmental issues.

“We gather here today because we are facing the same problems. Our planet has yet to fight climate change as well as the extinction of plants and animals, to the point where resources are starting to fall off. These issues need to be addressed immediately with our help in finding innovative and sustainable solutions,” said Prof. Reini.

This three-day conference serves as a platform for many different research, and transformative ideas, as well as discussion within the related topic for professionals.

“We have invited professionals from around the world specializing in different fields of study to contribute their holistic approach to dealing with technology and environmental management. Through this interdisciplinary interaction, hopefully, we can gather new ideas and innovation to save the planet,” she added.

ITB Rector expects ETMC 2023 will induce synergy from the government, business owners, communities, and the people can fight climate change in the years to come.

"We hope that this conference can provide people with a broader understanding of the environmental crisis, for the sake of our planet," she said.

Reporter: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Kezia Hosana
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

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