Excitement in Exploring ITB Campus Jatinangor with Tampomas and Odong-odong at Jatifest 2023
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

JATINANGOR, itb.ac.id - Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) hosted the Jatinangor Festival 2023 at the ITB Campus Jatinangor on Saturday, February 9th, 2023. The objective of Jatifest 2023 was to familiarize the academic community of ITB with ITB Campus Jatinangor, serving as the concluding event for the New Student Admission (PMB) series of ITB 2023.
One of the featured events during JATIFEST 2023 was the Campus Tour on Bus. Visitors were transported on two Tampomas buses and four odong-odong units to explore the ITB Campus Jatinangor.
A total of 200 participants from various age groups joined the Campus Tour on Bus, which took place in three tour sessions from 09:00 AM to 02:30 PM.
During the tour, the guides provided participants with introductions to various facilities and buildings. Visitors were also invited to engage in games with prizes at three different stations, all while enjoying the refreshing campus environment.
The first station was located at Labtek VA, in the vicinity of the lecture building for the Forestry Engineering study program, as well as the Zoology and Herbarium Museum. The event, titled "Assessing Your Affinity for ITB," involved participants taking a knowledge quiz about ITB.
Activities continued at the second station near Labtek 1C, which houses the River Engineering and Sedimentation Laboratory. At this station, participants were organized into three groups to engage in friendly competitions. The objective was to earn the highest number of points by accurately throwing waste items such as bottles, twigs, and paper into specific categorized holes.
The third station was in the TB 1 dormitory hallway. Each group participated in a competition to assemble the Elephant Robot (Roga) puzzle, consisting of 24 puzzle pieces. The team that successfully solved the puzzle in the least amount of time was declared the victor.
"During the odong-odong ride, the speaker explained clearly, and the games were so much fun," said Mirai, a sibling of a new ITB student.
Afina Nur Islami, a Microbiology student in 2020, expressed her satisfaction with this activity, aligning with Mirai's sentiments."I went around, and it was really fun to see the campus conditions in real-time. The organizers were great, and everyone was friendly," she said.
She expressed her desire for upcoming campus tours and JATIFEST events to be more celebratory, involving a wider range of participants and making a significant impact.
Reporter: Muh. Umar Thoriq (Teknik Pangan, 2019)
Editor: M. Naufal Hafizh
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)
Editor: Vera C.U.