FGB ITB Holds Seminar on Development of Higher Education System

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - On Saturday (09/05/15), Forum Guru Besar (FGB) ITB in collaboration with the Commission for Social Sciences Academy of Sciences of Indonesia (AIPI) once again organized a seminar entitled "Development of Higher Education System Indonesia: Conditions and Prospects of Higher Education Developing Capabilities of Sciences ", located in the Central Scientific Meeting (BPI) ITB. The event opened with respect by Prof. Roos Akbar (Lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning) as Chairman of FGB ITB. Professor of ITB, Padjadjaran University, University of Parahyangan, as well as some professors who joined the AIPI invited as a speaker at an event that consists of two sessions. Day seminar was attended by various groups, ranging from government; lecturer; and even up to the student.

"The struggle to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, especially at the level of post-graduate education has been much occupied, but the results have not been satisfactory. This seminar will be a forum for discussion referring to the formulation of the development of the education system," said Prof. Mayling Oey-Gardiner to be responsible activity which is also the representative of the Commission for Social Sciences AIPI. The problems and challenges, both globally and nationally, as well as the opportunities and potential of the college in the development of science is the main focus of the discussions of the day.

In his speech, Prof. Mayling helped add the idea that one important focus in developing the education is language as a communication tool. In addition, Prof. Taufik Abdullah (Chairman of the Commission for Social Sciences AIPI) in his speech explained that Indonesia needs to make improvements to the education system in order to be able to become a competitor, not rivaled again. "Ways of Indonesia should be strong and should be supported by all the elements," said Prof. Taufik.

As one of the speakers at the seminar, Prof. Bambang RJ (Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Partnership ITB) ITB experience as one of the best campuses in Indonesia in developing research and science and technology. "It has been the mission of the ITB to generate research excellence with high standards, and supported by researchers, whether faculty or students. Efforts ITB become a world class university is intended to support efforts to increase competitiveness and improve the reputation of Indonesia," said Prof. Bambang in his presentation at the seminar.

Representatives Professor of ITB others are Prof. Bambang Sunendar Purwasamita, M.Eng (Lecturer of Engineering Physics) who participated as a speaker in the second session. His speech was related to the science presented his research in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology technology development in Indonesia. "The competition and the higher dynamics between countries requires Indonesia to participate in the development of a worldwide trend. The importance of nanotechnology shown by many countries rushing for the initiated. This makes Indonesia needs to develop nanotechnology to improve the quality of Indonesia's competitiveness," said Prof. Bambang Sunendar in his presentation.

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