FII 2010: Book Launch "Ekonomi Inovasi"
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, A nation's growth is often measured from its economic growth. The actors if this development are demanded to be able to integrate creativitiy and innovation with economy. The book "Ekonomi Inovasi" (Innovation Economy in English -red) is a compendium of ideas discussing the concept and implementation of innovation in order to stimulate growth. ITB Entrepreneurship and Innovation Office (LPIK-ITB) launched the book in the Indonesia Innovation Forum (FII) 2010 in the campus west hall.
The contributing editors of the book involve many fields such as academic, business, and even government. These writers are:
-Tatag Wiranto (State Ministry of Rural Development, the 'Bedah Desa' Method in the Integrated Rural Development Policy);
-Dudy Wiyancoko (Faculty of Design and Fine Arts, ITB, Design Innovation: User-oriented Innovation);
-Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto (Social and Politics Faculty, University of Indonesia, the System and Culture of Innovation in Thinking Perspective and Organizational Learning);
-Pekok Argo Dahono (ITB Electrical Engineering, Economical Use of Electricity using VSD);
-Hasnul Suhaimi (PT. XL Axiata Tbk, Low-cost for Premium Service, Innovation in XL Telecommunication Service);
-Syafrizal Maludin (Indonesia Science and Knowledge Institute (LIPI), Understanding the Role of the Socio-Economic Dynamics in Indonesia's Innovation System)
The book launching was inaugurated by ITB Rector Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka and handed over symbolically to the Ministry of High Education Head Prof. Dr. Djoko Santoso, Managing Director of Telkom Indonesia Rinaldi Koestoer, and editing team leader Sudarsono. The book can be found in LPIK ITB, Jl. Ganesha 15, Bandung.