FII 2010: Grow and Develop the Spirit to Innovate
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, ITB Entrepreneurshup and Innovation Development Office (LPIK) held the Indonesia Innovation Forum (FII) 2010. The forum gathers the spirit to create and innovate and at the same time enlivens it with symposiums presenting national experts, "Ekonom Inovasi" book launching, panel discussion, and innovative product exhibition. The event was held in the East and West Hall.
The important figures present in FII 2010 are, among others, Coordinator Minister of Finance represented by his expert staff in Technology and Environment Innovation Raldi Hendro Koestoer ("The Strategy of Stimulating Economic Growth through Innovation"), Director General of High Education Djoko Santoso ("The Role of Varsities in Innovation"), Managing Director of Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah ("Information and Communication Technology Innovation for Indonesia"), Research and Technology Minister respresented by Assistant Deputy of Intellectual Property and Scientific Standardization Alvini Pranoto ("Strategizing to Reach an Innovation-Driven Country"), Comissioner of Aditec Cakrawiyasa Rawono Sosrodimulyo ("Innovation in the Manufacturing Industry"), Managing Director of Bank Mandiri represented by Micro and Retail Banking Budi Gunadi Sadikin ("The Role of the Banking Industry in Stimulating Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Indonesia"), and many others.
FII 2010 coincided with the anniversaty of the Tenth of November Institute of Technology (ITS), SUrabaya. Because it was thought that FII 2010 was aligned with the spirit of ITS' anniversaty, ITB held a tele-conference with the anniversary of ITS.
In his speech, relayed also through the tele-conference, ITB Rector Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka conveyed his hopes that the two universities would be able to provide concepts, models, and prototypes that would contribute in solving national problems. "This nation relies on ITB and ITS as frontrunners of innovation and creativity," he said.