For an Eczema Detection Device, ITB Students Won L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Doc: Personal Documentation

*Doc: Personal Documentation

BANDUNG, - A Team Consisting ITB Students won L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019 for a bracelet that detects eczema on children. The competition was held on 21st March 2019 in Jakarta. This year, the competition carried a theme ”Invent the Future Skincare Experience for Health-Conscious Consumers”.

The team is called Phoenix, consisting Albert Sahala Theodore (Informatics ‘16), Rifda Annelies Az Zahra (System & Information Technology ‘16), and Johan Poernomo (Electrical Engineering ‘16). They created an innovation in the form of a bracelet that detects eczema symptoms on children’s skin. The bracelet, named Smart & Easy Band, is expected to detect signs that appear on children’s skin before symptoms of eczema occurred. When the bracelet detects the signs, it will display a specific light so that children know about the potential eczema. The children then can smear their skin with a specific serum that can relieve the symptoms.

“This innovation in the form of a bracelet, smartphone app, and product design is a respond to eczema which is one of world’s issues on skin health. We choose eczema because this problem exists and occurs in the world today,” said Rifda.

Eczema has several signs such as rashes, which could be triggered by allergy, dry skin, and temperature change. Currently, eczema is not fully curable and might reappear when the trigger develops. Therefore, the only way to treat eczema is daily treatment that prevent the trigger, one of which is keeping the skin humid.

Eczema mostly occurs to children, where early symptoms develop as early as 5 years old. A child with eczema tends to get bullied, affecting the psychological and psychosocial condition of the child. Nevertheless, children usually incapable of taking care of themselves, hence parent control is required.

The bracelet wore by children can detect symptoms of eczema. The device is integrated with smartphone app usable by parents and children, hence parents can monitor their kids regarding eczema symptoms.

Besides the device and app, the team also make a proposal of a product design for L’Oreal Active Cosmetics, La Roche-Posay, especially for moisturizer and rash relief. The product initially had big package to target adult female. But, to make the product appeal to children, the team create a package that resembles a crayon. This will make the product easier to use, portable, and simple. Moreover, with the crayon-ish package, children will be happier to use the product, as if they are ‘drawing’ on their own body with the product.

Albert, a member of the team, talked about his team’s journey in the competition. They had to face many challenges, especially in making time between their tight schedules. The competition also presented tight rivalry. On the preliminary, 160 team submitted their ideas. Best nine teams were then chosen to compete in Jakarta, pitching their product and innovation ideas that they submitted. On this phase, participants were examined by six main jury from L’Oreal, and several guest jury. After the phase ends, team from ITB won the National Winner title of L’Oreal Brandstorm 2018.

“We did not expect we would win. So, do not be afraid to explore things beyond our comfort zone, because it could be a life experience,” said Albert.

After this phase, the team will face next challenge on global competition. That phase will be held in Paris where many teams of various nations will compete to pitch their products and innovations.

“We hope for your support. We would like to thank our lectures and Head of Electrical Engineering (Arif Sasongko ST,MT,Ph.D), Informatics ( Saiful Akbar, ST., MT), and System & Information Technology (Achmad Imam Kistijantoro ST,M.Sc.,Ph.D) Study Programs for their help and support that make us win it,” concluded Albert.

Reporter: Verdyllan Nurendra Agusta (Industrial Engineering 2016)

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