ITB-NTUST: Eight Students Graduated from Dual-Degree Program
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

Dual-degree program is a collaboration between TMI ITB with NTUST and the Ministry of Indonesia Industry. NTUST is not the only universities in Taiwan who has worked with TMI ITB in building the dual-degree. Besides NTUST, TMI ITB also has been working in partnership with National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and Chung Yuan University (CYCU).
Before the procession graduation, six of eight students that will graduate has held a session for their thesis as one of the conditions graduation magisterial program. The session which held on June 3, 2014 was attended by three lecturer from TMI-ITB, namely T. M. A. Ari Samadhi, Ph.D., Dr. Sukoyo, Dr.Eng. Yosi Agustina Hidayat and lecturers from NTUST. This Council was not only attended by lecturer from ITB and NTUST, but there were also attended by professors from other universities in Taiwan who have scientific backgrounds in accordance with the thesis that is being tested. While the council thesis for 2 another student will be held on Wednesday (11/06/14) and Monday (16/06/14).
In this program dual degree, the students have scored various achievements. Proved with some thesis that ordered students which involved in the conference international level, namely The International Conference on Service Sciences and Innovation 2014 (ICSSI) which held by Service Science Society of Taiwan. In addition, there also received an award winner Paper Award by Erika Fatma, one of the graduate students dual degree. Title of paper that has been made by Erika is "Modeling Coopetition Strategy on Firms in High Technology Industries". And assisted by main supervisor lecturer, by the Prof. Kung-Jeng Wang who served as The Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Management, Dept. of Industrial Management NTUST, and also advisor by Dr. Eng. Yosi Agustina Hidayat, a young lecturer from the Group Expertise Industrial System and Techno-Economic (FTI ITB) make Erika managed to do the achievement in complete graduation and also passed dari dual-degree program that held by ITB and NTUST.