For Jepret, ITB Students Won 1st Place in Jamkrindo Hackaton 2019
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Students of Institut Teknologi Bandung develop an app called Jepret which serves as a complimentary and data updater for SMMEs in Indonesia. It operates by encouraging the community to review and take photos of SMMEs around.
In Jepret, users can see the list of SMMEs around. When users are on one of the SMMEs, they can answer several question that will fulfill SMMEs database of Jamkrindo. After the question, users will be directed to ‘jepret’ (Indonesian word for taking photos) of the SMMEs. The photo will be analyzed further by validating the received data.
The app is developed by Cornelius Yan Mintareja as team leader, Feby Eliana Tengry, Christzen Leonardy, Gabriel Bentara Raphael, and Muhammad Aditya Hilmy. For this app, they won the 1st place in Jamkrindo Hackaton 2019, a national competition organized by Perum Jamkrindo in Jakarta on 9-13 July 2019.
By raising the theme “Smart Access Technology”, Jamkrindo Hackaton 2019 is designed to solve Jamkrindo’s internal problems. The competition is a hackaton where participants are asked to implement their ideas within 48 hours. The participants come from various backgrounds such as from students, public, and start-ups.
Cornelius explained that the competition consisted of proposal submission and final phases. Out of 41 proposal, only 10 were accepted to pass onto the hackaton phase. Those 10 teams then implemented their ideas and presented their ideas in front of jury. Out of those 10 teams, three are students, while the remaining are workers.
Jepret’s Prime Features
Important features on Jepret have been tested in the final of Jamkrindo Hackathon. The features are verification and review accessible for SMMEs around the users. The photo inputted will go through image processing for data validation. Then, on their dashboard, Jamkrindo can see SMMEs’ data and approve the loan after the required data is complete. Last, the result of data analytics can be seen by Jamkrindo and the SMME. Users will also enjoy incentive from the app.
“We are really grateful for this achievement. We do not expect to be the 1st winner, we once used to be pessimistic,” said Febby, one of the team members.
He also said that this experience has given many new insights, including about optimization of surrounding activities using technology. Creative ideas are very valuable; young generation should continue making innovations that are integrated with technology to help tackle surrounding problems.
Jamkrindo is a Public Enterprise that serves a large number of customers. In their credit service, Jamkrindo have to consider the prospect of the SMMEs from accumulated data. The larger the number of their customers, the more the data collection process will be during verification and validation.
Until today, Jamkrindo still use conventional method to obtain data and conduct verification on SMMEs. The method is by using outsource manpower whose duty is to visit the SMME and input the data manually. However, it cost a lot and sometimes the data obtained is incomplete and not well verified.
“Then our team introduce Jepret. It comes as a solution that employs Indonesian community and advancement of technology to improve the effectiveness in fulfilling SMMEs data,” explained Feby.