FSRD ITB Held Technoculture Seminar As 2015 Draws to a Close
ByCintya Nursyifa
EditorCintya Nursyifa
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - ITB Rector also a keynote speaker in this seminar, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, opened Technoculture Seminar entitled "Implementasi Pengembangan Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora". Dr. A. Gumawang Teak, M. A, was appointed as the Head of the Committee of this event that took place on Monday (07/09/15) at Aula Barat. At the beginning of the seminar, Dean of Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Dr. Imam Santosa, M. gave some remarks regarding the opening of new study program in ITB. This seminar presented scientific speeches from the President of Academic Senate, Prof. Ir. Soekarno Indratmo, M. Sc., Ph.d. and Chairman of Forum Guru Besar (FGB) Prof. Ir. Roos Akbar, M. Sc., Ph. D. It was also followed by a panel discussion from Prof. Ir. Moh. Sahari Besari, M. Sc., Ph.D and Prof. Dr. Bambang Sugiharto whom brought up topics "Human, Technology, and Science" and "Technology and Humaniora" respectively. This event also invited Prof. Imam Buchori and Prof. Yasrafa A. Piliang, who was the as the moderator of the discussion as well. The topic of the seminar related closely with the newly added Technoculture master study program.
The Importance of Technoculture Technoculture as a discipline that relates technology to culture, becomes a very important thing. This discipline plays a vital role to answer the challenge to apply social science when scientific papers are about to be exposed to the public. In publishing a paper or solution, one should pay attention to the impact of law, politics, and so on. 22 out of 48 study programs which have been internationally recognized and 18 doctors who are ready to play major part in developing social sciences and humanities applied in technology and arts are enough to prove that ITB is capable to add Technoculture study program into its list of fields of doctoral studies. In addition, Social Humanities Academic Agreement for Technoculture approved by Academic Senate will legally support the continuation of this study program in the future. Academic Senate stated that opening Technoculture study program can strengthen science, technology, and arts in the society proactively.
As ITB conforms to the dynamic pace, it has been a question of what kind 'structure' that can support the pace of ITB, one that will suit ITB best. Opening of this new study program will sure be quite a help to determine the structure. "No such knowledge that is better than the others, it all depends on how it is utilized and applied. Knowledges are not to be compared. The difference between scientists and decision-makers (re: authorities) is the ability to associate psychology science in defense and security. Plus, truth is better to be delivered by enriching it with other knowledge and information, " said Roos Akbar in his speech. A point to stress here is that in solving nation-scaled problems, ITB should not just rely on technological knowledge, but also supported by cultural approach as the balance of both is necessary to achieve sustainability.