FSRD ITB Students Supported Disabled Artists Artworks Using AR Technology
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Five ITB Faculty of Fine Arts and Design students held an exhibition and talk show event titled Feel the New Experience: Bring Artwork to Life. In addition to fulfilling their final task, the students said that this event was meant to act as a response to the issues that were brought up by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) movement.
Those five students are Sabina Shafa Luna (Visual Communication Design'19), Angelina Fajri Intan S (Interior Design'19), Hafshah Noorulhafiyya (Visual Communication Design'19), Ruth Tamara (Visual Communication Design'19), and Putri Amalia (Product Design'19). This event was held at Tab Studio, Gelora Creative Co-Space, Braga Street no. 109, Bandung. The talk show invited a lecturer from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design ITB, Banung Grahita, Ph.D. as the main speaker.
The team said that they are trying to create a peaceful and inclusive community by empowering Tab Space disabled artists through this social project. What made this exhibition unique is that the team succeeded in incorporating Augmented Reality (AR) into the seemingly simple 2D canvas created by the Tab Space artist, thus gaining more attention and interest.
"The implementation of this digital-based creative media is expected to increase the exposure and existence of artworks created by disabled artists," said Hafsah during the event.
The team chose three artworks from three different artists. The artworks that were chosen are deemed to have collaboration potential with the AR interaction media, in addition to having a relatively high selling point as merchandise. By displaying the "Food" concept, those three artworks will be modified in a way that they can interact with each other. The three artists whose artworks were chosen are Angkasa Nasrullah Emir, Claudia Panca, and Naufal Rizky Mochamad. "Later, the three artworks will have their own 3D simple animation which can be detected using AR, so that the audience will be interested to get the full experience from all of the artworks that were designed to interact with each other," explained Sabine, the team leader.
In addition to the AR Instagram feature, they also exhibited various collaborative works and supporting merchandise at the Tab Space as a way to directly convey the messages of this social project.
At that event, Banung Grahita delivered his deep appreciation of the project that was carried out by those five students. "This is cool not because I said it, it is cool because the arts that I observed are indeed cool," said Banung Grahita.
He then said that design knowledge does not end at theory, but knowledge that needs to be enjoyed in public. "Instead of ending in the final task, it would be much better if this project can be contributed to the community," he said.
Banung admitted that a social project requires a design touch. This exhibition is an excellent initiation that proves that design knowledge can have a major contribution to the social sector. Therefore, this kind of activity needs to be initiated much more often.
Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Geology, 2020)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)