Ganesa Harmonic 2009: Photography Exhibition of Streets Musicia

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Ministry of Culture and Arts of Student Government (KM) ITB in order to celebrate 50 Years of ITB, holding an event called Ganesa Harmonic to arouse students to be more apreciate to the street musicians with the Competition of the Streets Musician Photography titled ''Appreciate their sweat and tears for their music life'', Located in room 29 Campus Center (CC) West, on 23-27 March 2009.
Music developed rapidly in the entertainment world in Indonesia. New born musician come each day to pursue fame, although sometimes not show the quality of their music. Sometimes we don't realize there is much marketing strategies undertaken by the recording labels artist who popularize its artists through music events on television, a tour around the city, to become an ambassador of product. All crawl a race for profits. However, what about the musicians who do not have a label? In fact, even it is difficult to sufficient for daily needs.

Through this photography exhibiton, can be seen the various expressions of streets musicians when playing their music. There are groups or individual. In terms of the observer, they perpetuate each activities of street musicians when earning for money. Color tone that are presented by the photographer, who are students of ITB, various that show impression of bleak to shine.
Not only photography, visitors also can see the Local Collection, form opinions, and an appreciation of a famous musician to the  legendary musicians. " I think its significant because the Koes Plus songs can be enjoyed by all. Old, young, poor, rich, men, women, a phenomenon of multiclass of society''said Erwin Gutawa about Koes Plus. Similarly, the appreciation of the Harry Pongki Barata Roesli,''Kang Harry was planting necessary foundation. Not only music, but also about the principle of srt and how surely appreciate the arts that we have'', he said.

This photography exhibition is one of the four series of events that Ganesa Harmonic 2009 runs from 24-28 March 2009 at the ITB campus.

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