ITB Introduce Science and Profession to Children

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Photo by: Nabila Nurul Maghfirah

?*Photo by: Nabila Nurul Maghfirah

BANDUNG, – Celebrating National Children’s Day 2019, Saraga and Sabuga Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) organized an event titled Dari Bandung Untuk Anak Indonesia (DIBUAI) on Sunday (28/7/2019), taking place at both Sasana Budaya Ganesa (Sabuga) and Sarana Olahraga (Saraga) ITB. The event was held together with Festival Planet Sains and Festival Anak Bertanya, respectively organized by Planet Sains and a team from

The event included a variety of recreational and educational activities summed up in three main activities, namely Festival Anak Bertanya, Festival Planet Sains, and outdoor adventure games. In outdoor activity, the games played were traditional children games and sports such as basketball and volleyball.

This fifth Festival Anak Bertanya (FAB) 2019 has a tagline “What Do You Want to Be Growing Up?” According to Prof. Hendra Gunawan as the Head of FAB 2019, the event carried a concept that will inspire children to have diverse kind of dreams and jobs.

As a support, the committee of FAB 2019 involved a number of institutions, communities, and experts that engage in children education; in parenting talk show, music and art performances, children cinema, prizes, and communities exhibition booths which represent various professions such as in social service, culinary, and art.

“Hopefully Indonesian children will give more contribution to the country through various professions; not homogenous. It is also to fill up every sector and prevent domination by other countries,” said Prof. Gunawan.

Twenty seven institutions and communities took part in FAB 2019. Generally, they displayed attractive and interactive educational activities that stimulate children’s motor skills through various media such as writing instrument or props. Two of the most visited booths were Fire Department of Bandung’s with its collection of fire extinguishers and high-place rescue simulation using ropes that children at 3-10 year old can try.

*Photo by: Nabila Nurul Maghfirah

Festival Planet Sains 2019 Display a number of attractive activities, such as Pertunjukan Labirin Sains : Pameran 100 Alat Peraga Sains Interaktif, Pertunjukan Sains Spektakuler, and Workshop Sains dan Kreativitas, as well as Amazing Race Sains Sport, and sport science competition for elementary students, all of which took place at Saraga ITB. Labirin Sains were among the activity with a lot of visitor.

ITB students and alumni also took part on DIBUAI, such as from Rumah Belajar Skhole, Astronomy Program in cooperation with Bosscha Laboratory, Langit Selatan and Dunia Astronomi Communities initiated by alumni of Astronomy Program of ITB, and LAPAN. LAPAN display a mini planetarium while Bosscha Observatory allowed simulation of sky observation using portable telescope.  

More than 6000 visitors attended the event since its opening at 8 a.m. With an affordable ticket, visitors could enjoy dozens of interactive activities, gain knowledge and inspiration regarding children.

Lina, one of visitors from Bandung, said that the event is attractive and useful for parents and children alike. She is impressed with the explanation relating to astronomy. “Because sometimes kids want to know about astronomy but the parents cannot help. Here, kids ask, experts answer,” said Lina.

DIBUAI also presented art and sport performance to treat the visitors. Visitors were seen carry home mementos such as children’s artwork and door prizes.

Reporter: Nabila Nurul Maghfirah (Urban and Regional Planning 2015)

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