General Lecture Discusses Global Energy Issues with Total
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

ANDUNG, - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) ITB collaborated with Total E&P Indonesie to hold a general lecture in ITB. Bringing up the two themes "Oil & Gas and Energy Global Issues" and "Project Management in Oil and Gas Industry", this lecture took place on Monday-Friday (03-14/10/11) in the Seminar Room on the 3rd floor of the PAU Building, ITB.

The Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Umar Fauzi, stated, "This general lecture is an unordinary event of learning." The professionals shared knowledge that could enrichen the horizon of learning, especially in natural sciences regarding petroleum and gas.
"Along with the Total experts, the students learned more about the ins and outs of the petroleum and gas industry," said the Event Coordinator, Dr. Veinardi Suendo. Thus, students would possess more information on the world of industry that could supply them with knowledge for once they graduate.
More than 60 students from varying majors participated in the general lecture, which was Total E&P Indonesie's effort in increasing the quality of Indonesia's human resources. Christian Gueritte invited the students to discuss "Oil & Gas and Energy Global Issues" while Daniel Saincry gave materials regarding "Project Management in Oil and Gas Industry."
The two speakers came from the Total Professeurs Associes (TPA). TPA itself is a non-profit organization consisting of 209 lecturers who had work experience in the French petroleum company.
In his lecture, Daniel touched upon the changes in management style in companies as of late which became more dynamic. "Thus, individuals who have the capacity to adapt towards change and can compete in innovation are needed," he expressed.
The energy sector still became the world's biggest challenge in the form of the unbalanced increase of need and consumption. Other than in form of energy saving, the effort of diversification of energy source can also be a solution. "At the moment researches regarding alternative energy sources need to be done continually," said Gueritte.
"Along with the Total experts, the students learned more about the ins and outs of the petroleum and gas industry," said the Event Coordinator, Dr. Veinardi Suendo. Thus, students would possess more information on the world of industry that could supply them with knowledge for once they graduate.

The two speakers came from the Total Professeurs Associes (TPA). TPA itself is a non-profit organization consisting of 209 lecturers who had work experience in the French petroleum company.
In his lecture, Daniel touched upon the changes in management style in companies as of late which became more dynamic. "Thus, individuals who have the capacity to adapt towards change and can compete in innovation are needed," he expressed.
The energy sector still became the world's biggest challenge in the form of the unbalanced increase of need and consumption. Other than in form of energy saving, the effort of diversification of energy source can also be a solution. "At the moment researches regarding alternative energy sources need to be done continually," said Gueritte.