G.N Sandhy Widyasthana: Quitting Study is Quitting Life

Oleh Vera Citra Utami

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Graduation is the result of a long learning process of a student. It is not the finish line, but the starting point to enter the real life in implementing and practicing all obtained knowledge in the university.

It was asserted by G.N Sandhy Widyasthana, a graduate of Doctoral Program of School of Business and Management (SBM) Institut Teknologi Bandung on the ITB Third Graduation of Academic Year 2017/2018 at Sasana Budaya Ganesa, Jalan Tamansari, Bandung, on Friday (20/7/2018). He delivered a speech as graduate representative from Master’s, Doctoral, and Engineering Profession programs.

“I am given the chance to celebrate three graduations and the euphoria on each occasion feels different. When graduating from undergraduate program, the euphoria emerged was the spirit to find the best employment. When graduating from master’s program, the euphoria emerged was how to be a professional, and when graduating from doctoral program, the euphoria is how to devote and transmit obtained knowledge to other people,” he said in front of other graduates.

He said that in study process, there are dynamics of difficulties and obstacles faced. He believes, however, that it will forge someone in becoming better and cultivating maturity when returning to society. That dynamics were experienced by Sandhy. When he continued his study to doctoral program, two problems emerged. First, how he manages his time, because aside from a student, he is also a director of a subsidiary of a well-known state enterprise in Indonesia. Second, how he implements the theory he get in university to his work life.

“The key is, I have to manage my time and make it my personal commitment. I live in Jakarta. Every after office I read journals, researches, and ITB also give their support by providing lectures on weekends and tests that can be taken home and finally I can finish my study without lowering the quality,” he said.

During his doctoral study, Sandhy has finished three Scopus indexed journals. The dissertation he wrote is about investment in start-ups, which is in line with his current job activity. In this graduation, Sandhy hopes that doctoral programs for professionals in ITB is developed even further because it helps the job of other people in professional field in making decision and managing their job.

“To other graduates, I advise you to never quit studying. Even though I am no longer young I do not quit studying. Quitting study is quitting life,” he concluded.

Reporter : Adi Permana

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