Greeting New Students of 2015, LTPB ITB Provide Training Motivation
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

The material on this training was delivered directly by a facilitator who comes from lecturer and co-facilitator who comes from ITB student in order for the delivery of the material more supple and in accordance with the current state of ITB. Lecturers who provide training are appropriated with faculty from each new student. One of the interesting things is the presence of personality test, that is Dominant, Influence, Steady, Compliance (DISC) test. In this test, new students are required to select the properties that are most similar to those of 40 existing properties list. DISC test is a tool to know and understand the person's behavior. This test will be generated from the tendency of the average ITB students of 2015 behavior. This training was also facilitated with a workbook that must be filled out by the participants in accordance with the direction of the facilitator in any materials provided
This training is also getting a lot of positive response from new students. "A lot of things that I can, like the material on time management in accordance with the classes that will be encountered later," says Martin Lutta (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015) as one trainee. In addition to Martin, many other studensts who gave a positive response regarding this event. "With the existence of this event, I am more prepared to face the real lecture life," said Vincent Hendryanto (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015). Great expectations for training like this can continue to be carried out to produce students that are successful know personally each one of them.