Showcasing Students’ Innovations, SBM ITB Holds 2023 Ganesha Business Festival Exhibition
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — ITB School of Business and Management (SBM) held the Ganesha Business Festival (GBF) Exhibition from Saturday (15/4/2023) to Sunday (16/4/2023) at Trans Studio Mall Bandung West Parking.
The GBF Exhibition is one of the 2023 GBF event series that will be held by SBM ITB through Keluarga Mahasiswa Manajemen (KMM) and Mahasiswa Kewirausahaan “Artha” (IMK “Artha”) to accommodate business ideas and products for more than 80 SBM ITB student-owned startups during their course of study and utilize a low-touch marketing approach.
This exhibition provided venture capital startup sessions, cooking demonstrations, and live performances involving ITB student musicians. Not only that, this exhibition also aimed to add insight about the world of business to the younger generation by inviting the CEO of Mantappu Corp Jehian Panangian Sijabat, Reg. Account Manager Samsung Indonesia Awla Fajri Assalam, dan Owner of Lokasaji Icha Swavira as speakers of the grand talkshow session. This talkshow was held to share insights based on the experiences of the guest speakers when they first started building their business.
The Chair of SBM ITB Entrepreneurship Study Program Sonny Rustiadi, M.B.A., Ph.D., stated that the activity was open to the public and the business exhibition was an event to promote businesses built by SBM ITB students from various levels and majors.
“There is a total of 144 businesses that participated in this exhibitions, made up of businesses for the Integrated Business Experience (IBE), Integrated Business Asia (IBA), Introduction to Engineering and Design (PRD), and Start-up Business Practice (SBP) courses, as well as prototyping students majoring in Entrepreneurship,” Sonny explained.
Not only can they show off their products, exhibition participants can also pitch to business consultants from the Progressio Consulting Group on the first and second day of the event. The eight selected groups were given the opportunity to perform open pitching on the stage which could be witnessed by all exhibition visitors.
During the exhibition, many booths were crowded with buyers, one of which was Gema Angin Laut. Better known as Gemala, Gema Angin Laut sells fashion products with Indonesian fabrics, such as outerwear, vests, obi belts, shirts, wrapped skirts, and even scrunchies.
“This exhibition was really fun because this was the first time we held offline sales. Usually in online sales we only interact through customer chat directly to delivery, but now we can express as well as interact directly with potential buyers,” CEO of Gema Angin Laut Danny Lewi said when interviewed during the event.
Reporter: Bashravie Thamrin (Management, 2024)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)