IATMI-SM ITB Campaigned for Energy Issue by Blood Donating Action
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Association of Petroleum Engineer Indonesia-Students Section (IATMI-SM) ITB collaborating with Red Cross Indonesia for Bandung Region held a blood donating event for ITB students. This action was held on Sunday (03/02/14) at Benny Subianto Building ITB. This action is a part of IATMI Youth Energy Challenge (IYEC) series of event, which is an annual activity of IATMI-SM ITB.
As professionalism based organization, IATMI-SM ITB held this blood donating event for a form of their community service. This event was held to enhance the solidarity value of human being and to help Red Cross Indonesia for Bandung Region to pile blood stock, which recently can't fulfill the blood demands for hospitals in Bandung. Held at 9 AM to 2 PM, this timetable is adapted with the blood donating procedure itself, which requires donor who has not done intense activities.
"This action can encourage us to care for each other. By this IYEC series of event, we encourage people to increase their care to issues and communities around us, especially for energy issue for this event," said Edho Permana (Petroleum Engineering 2010), as The President of IATMI-SM ITB. This IYEC series of event itself includes Blood Donating Action, Energy Debate Competition for high school students, and a Seminar of Energy which is going to be held on the next Saturday (15/02/14).
Besides helping human being, this event with "Donate Your Energy for Indonesia" theme has another purpose to campaign for energy issues in Indonesia, especially in renewable energies like geothermal, coal liquefaction, coal bed methane, and bio-energy. This campaign was delivered through a projector screen which was installed in that event. "Indonesia is struggling to develop new energy resources to substitute fuel and gas. Therefore, we would like to educate people about this developing new energy," said Okky Hartono (Petroleum Engineering 2010) as The Vice President of IATMI-SM ITB.
ITB's students' anima about this action was relatively high, seen by the amount of students who would like to donate their blood in this event. "We hope there are a lot of people or organizations who hold this kind of event continuously, because the helping hands of the donors are really helping for those who need these bloods," said Ani Wahyuni, The Donating Coordinator from Red Cross Indonesia for Bandung Region.
By conducting this IYEC series of event, IATMI-SM ITB hopes that students and people's anima about energy issues in Indonesia is increasing. In the future, IATMI-SM ITB will always conduct other events to educate and help Indonesia, especially in energy.