Radio Kampus ITB Held Communication Seminar for The Future
By Bangkit Dana Setiawan
Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

The content in first session was delivered by Ira Puspadewi, Ramsi Dharma, Henny Susanto, and Nuke Prabandari. In this session, the speakers were talking about preparation for the work field that will be faced by every student. "You have to know what kind of job that you are going into and also your self competence," said Ramsi, Astra Kampusmania, when was starting the session. Higher education is means for student to explore and develop ourself. "Keep moving and the doors will open for you," said Iram CEO of PT Sarinah. One example is to follow activities beside of academic can increase the softskills.
In work field, it is important for a person to have another competencies especially in terms of soft skills.
In the facing of the work field one of which is to make a good CV. The way to make a good CV is started from in terms of work experience. In addition, highlights the important things that have been done, especially when running an organization or committee. Showing She/He factors in the explanation of the CV. After making a good CV, the next thing is going to interview table. The interview is the most important aspect of job selection. Quite a lot of people fail in the interview stage. "Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method in telling your competency," said Ramsi. This method is best used when the interviewer asked about the experience of the organization that you have followed. In addition, it is important to pay attention into appearance. A small thing to do is using perfume before the interview.
To be successful in the interview session communication is divided into two, namely verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication is created from the look, the gesture, and self confidence. Looking neat, simple, and not too much can be selected in the facing interview. Gesture that always smile will make the interviewer like us, and be relax when answer the question. "The future belongs to those who prepare today," said Nuke, PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna.