IATMI SM ITB Held Public Lecture to Face AEC

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Association of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers - Student Section of Bandung Institute of Technology (IATMI SM ITB) held a public lecture in the event of IATMI Youth Energy Challenge 2015. The public lecture was held in East Hall ITB Ganesha on Saturday (31/01/15). The event was attended by ITB students who are in Studium Generale class and the students from the other universities around Bandung. The event organizers invited three professionals in the oil and gas field:  Dr. Ir. Salis S. Aprilian, M.Sc (SP Engineering and Operation Management Gas Directorate PT Pertamina), Ir. Bambang Ismanto, M.BA (VP Reservoir Development Asia Pacific Region, BP PLC), and  Pri Agung Rakhmanto, Ph.D (Oil and Gas Observer, Director of ReforMiners Institute).

AEC theme took IATMI SM ITB's attention, especially when the talk is about oil and gas sector in Indonesia. The speakers explain about the challenges and strategic steps of oil and gas sector so that Indonesia will not lose in the competition of ASEAN open market. Dr. Salis said that the ones who will win are the innovatives-the youth, the multi talents-women, and the inclusives-netizens.

Pertamina has special strategy to face AEC which will officially start at the end of this year. This was explained by Dr. Salis to the students. Pertamina is currently working on the demographic gap problems between the seniors who will be retired soon and the fresh graduates. So, Pertamina holds many human resources initiatives so the staff's capability will be built up and ready for the crucial position.

Bambang Ismanto as the professional from Beyond Petroleum send the messages to the students so that they will be more competitive; not only to face AEC but to be the global professionals. The personality of each Indonesian young generation, according to Bambang, must be brave, proactive in speaking, fluent in English, good in networking, punctual, and active in many kinds of professional organization such as IATMI. From the different point of view, Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that the economic, political, and social sectors have to be conducive so they can empower social welfare which will determine Indonesia's position globally.

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