ITB is Titled as The General Champion for Winning 18 Medals on KNMIPA 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,— Such great news has been received by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) recently. ITB has successfully titled the general champion after winning 18 medals on National Mathematics and Sciences Competition (KNMIPA 2021). This very exciting news was delivered on KNMIPA 2021 Closing and Awarding Ceremony, which was held on Friday (30/7/2021).
This competition was held by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), under the Ministry of Education and Culture as an event for higher education students to compete in national level. Mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology are the five of the contested fields. They started the competition since February 2021, to finally select those who are capable to compete at the national level.
Due to this pandemic situation, the competition was held online. All contestants were required to have their webcam on, to avoid any possibility of cheating. Despite the online situation, ITB students were still keen in preparing and participating in the competition, and therefore succeed to win most medals.
Four students won medals in mathematics. Kinantan Arya Bagaspati and Abdillah Ahmad won gold, Reynald Saputra won silver, and Aditya Dwianto won bronze. Five other students won in chemistry, named Azarya Adirama and Mark Soesanto on gold, Bayu Dwiputra and David on silver, and Muhammad Rafli Fadhilah on bronze.
Another five champions succeed in physics. Bryan received gold, Arkananta Rasendriya received silver, while Dharma Prasetya Permana, Muhammad A’an, and Aulia Anshari Rahman received bronze. In biology, four medals were won. Christopher Chandra and Amalia Alita won gold, Alfred Patisenah won silver, and Josefanny received an honorable mention.
All ITB civitas academica congratulates the KNMIPA 2021 medalists. Appreciation also goes to Anju, one of ITB students who competed in biology field. This outstanding achievement is expected to lead to other bigger achievements to make ITB alma mater proud.
Reporter: Ristania Putri Wahyudi (Matematika, 2019)
Translator: Tamara Maharani Alamsyah (Seni Rupa, 2020)