IBM Presentation: “Service Science, Management, and Engineering”

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG,– On Tuesday (24/6), IBM held academic initiative presentation titled “Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME)” at Multimedia Room 2nd floor, Labtek VIII. Hasanudin Saidin, Government Programs Executive IBM Asean, as speaker told SSME is a multidiscipline research as well as academic effort to integrate computer science aspect, research operation, engineering, science management, business strategies, social and cognitive knowledge. Market service is now road to global economic. The fast growing employee opportunity will concentrate mainly on service sector. Therefore, to maintain profit, service innovation is necessary. Service design, development, marketing, and service delivery are among those key features to make efficient business. Saidin stated that having a deep and vast combination of technology, business, and organization learning is a must for practitioners. The purpose of science service is to build productivity, quality, and innovation on service sector. For further information please go to IBM website:

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