Idul Fitri 1428 H Prayer at ITB

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Bandung, - YPM Salman, in cooperation with ITB, held Idul Fitri Prayer on Saturday (13/10) at 07.00 am. Hundreds of moslems crowded Campus Center ITB field where the prayer was done. Ustadz Bangun Syahroya lead the prayer. While, Prof. Dr. H. Maman A. Djauhari, Head of Professor Council (MGB) ITB give Idul Fitri sermon. In his sermon titled "Hermeneutical Process in Transcendental Relation", Prof. Maman invited moslems to see moment of Ramadhan fasting and Idul Fitri not only as a obligation, but as a process to sense relation between ourselves and God and relation between ourselves and our surroundings. He put into priority also process of educating our mindset, development of knowledge and behavior. Maman quoted many Koran verses to strengthen his religious messages. His sermon was concluded with prayer.

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