Is Printed Media Finally Meets Its End of the Road?
BANDUNG, – The rapidly advancing digital technology which is advancing rapidly can become a double-edged knife in our life, especially when talking about the media and journalism. On one hand, digital technology can help the journalist to improve their journalistic skills. In this digital...
April 06, 2022ITB Team Won a Bronze Medal in Asian Students’ Venture Forum for Their Artificial Beehive Innovation
BANDUNG, – Pandemic should not hinder you to achieve your goals. School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB students, who are members of Team I-Newbee, won a bronze medal at the Asian Student's Venture Forum 2022. The team consists of four Class of 2020 Entrepreneurship students: Alfinza...
April 06, 2022Get to Know Newly Discovered Fern Species through Biosystematics Science
BANDUNG, – In biology, we use taxonomy as a system to classify different kinds of organisms. There are seven ranks in the taxonomy system: (1) Kingdom; (2) Phylum or Division; (3) Class; (4) Order; (5) Family; (6) Genus; and (7) species. ...
April 05, 2022Ionic Liquid, a New Breakthrough for Safer Smartphone Battery Material
BANDUNG, – Have you ever heard about the news of an exploded cell phone battery? That accident, which happened chemically, was explained in the Institute for Research and Community Services Institut Teknologi Bandung (LPPM-ITB) Webinar Series, on Wednesday (23/2/2022). The webinar was...
April 04, 2022Observing the Development of the Biopharmaceutical Industry in Indonesia Through Biologics and Biosimilars
BANDUNG, — Biotechnology Study Program SITH ITB held the second episode of the Biotechnology Fair webinar series on Tuesday (22/3/2022). Ilma Equilibrina, Ph.D., the Head of Research Sales at Merck Chemicals and Life Science, acted as the main speaker and delivered a presentation on the...
April 04, 2022WRAM ITB: College Activities for Semester 1 of 2022/2023 Academic Year to be 100% Hybrid
BANDUNG,—ITB’s Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng., announced that in the first semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, ITB plans to have 100% hybrid activities for all courses. ...
April 04, 2022Bosscha Observatory Conducts Hilal Observation for the Beginning of Ramadan 1443 H
BANDUNG, - As an institute for education and research in the astronomy field, Bosscha Observatory of Institut Teknologi Bandung has been conducting observations of the young crescent moon almost every month.Every year, Bosscha Observatory becomes one of the references for setting the beginning...
April 01, 2022