ITB Studium Generale: Assuring Road Safety with a Digital Mindset

BANDUNG, – The ITB Studium Generale (KU-4078) class was held online on Wednesday (23/03/2022), inviting the Head Director of Jasa Raharja, Rivan Purwanton, to discuss the importance of having a digital mindset to ensure road safety. ...

March 24, 2022

A Microbiology and Biotechnology Cross-Study: Reconstructing the Microbial Genome from Human Intestines

BANDUNG, – The ITB SLST(School of Life Sciences and Technology) undergraduate program in Microbiology and master's program in Biotechnology held a combined class for the BM 3207 (Microbiomics) and BT6214 (Diet and Gut Microbiome) courses. Titled “Reconstruction of Ancient Microbial Genomes from the Human Gut”, the class invited...

March 24, 2022

SIBE 2022: Increasing Clean Water Accessibility and Availability in Southeast Asia

BANDUNG, – Water availability is essential for the livelihoods of the world. Several countries have too much water while others have too little; both do not benefit the people, especially in Indonesia. Not only does the supply of safe and clean drinking water supply vary in different regions, but accessibility to it is still...

March 23, 2022

Studium Generale ITB: Learning to Adapt and Evolve from Bluebird

BANDUNG. – The KU-4078 Studium Generale course was held on Wednesday (16/03/2022) and invited the Chief Director of Bluebird Group, Ir. Sigit Priawan Djokosoetono, MBA., as the guest lecturer. In his presentation "Adapting, Evolving and Building the Future", he shared his journey in leading the Bluebird company. ...

March 22, 2022

Discussing Oceanographic Phenomena and Countermeasures Against Water Crisis in Indonesia, Oceanography Students of ITB Hold TRITON Bootcamp

Bandung,—Oceanography students who are members of Oceanography Students Association “TRITON” have successfully held an event called TRITON Bootcamp. The event was held on Saturday (12/3/2022) to celebrate World Water Day. Furthermore, the event itself was focused to emphasize on the great importance of the roles of the sea in the...

March 21, 2022

Learning Mathematics is Easy and Fun With the Game “Super Aritmatika” by FMIPA & FSRD ITB

BANDUNG, Aritmatika, a game created by the Algebra Research Group of FMIPA ITB in collaboration with the Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group of FSRD ITB, is designed to drive the motivation in learning mathematics. This innovation comes into fruition for a reason: the decline in motivation to learn mathematics...

March 21, 2022

Technology-Based Aquaculture to Create Zero Waste and Economic Growth of Indonesia

BANDUNG,—Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has returned along with its innovations to solve problems encountered in society and to give education at the “Karsa Loka” event. This event was an act committed by ITB to improve its notion, experience, and role in helping the community to resolve the aforementioned problems. ...

March 18, 2022