ITB-Islamic Boarding Schools Collaboration in the Spirit of Innovation

BANDUNG, — As an innovation pioneer campus, ITB continues to strive in the development of innovative projects. ITB's unwavering commitment to innovation has earned it a global reputation, but that doesn't mean ITB has forgotten its roots. ITB has chosen to remain persistent in its support for Indonesia, our beloved...

September 24, 2021

Studium Generale KU-4078 Prof Rhenald Kasali: Idea of Change in the Era of Double Disruption

BANDUNG, – Changes that are happening in this era of disruption acted like a sequence that impacted each other. A disruption in one sector causes another disruption in other sector, this can be seen in how a disruption in scientifical sector provoke a disruption in human lifestyle. This was conveyed by Prof. Rhenald Kasali, Ph.D., a...

September 24, 2021

SAPPK ITB Guest Lecture: History of Energy Security and Climate Change in Indonesia

BANDUNG, - The School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPK) ITB held a guess lecture to begin the 2021/2022 Academic Year on Friday (3/9/2021). The guest lecture entitled "The History and Future of Energy Security and Climate Change in Indonesia". Aswin Indraprastha, Ph.D.,...

September 24, 2021

Meaningful Success is Built on Passion and Compassion

BANDUNG, - Haidar Bagir, President Director of Mizan Group and the initiator of the Islamic Love Movement, shared a presentation entitled "Passion by Compassion: Developing a Meaningful Life through Business and Humanitarian Activities" in the Studium Generale course on Wednesday (15/9/ 2021). ...

September 23, 2021

Oceanography ITB Public Lecture Revealed the Paleogeography of the Indonesian Archipelago

BANDUNG,— The Oceanography Study Program ITB presented a public lecture on the Paleogeography of the Indonesian Archipelago. Dr. Ayi Tarya, Chair of the Oceanography Study Program, formally launched this activity. When he opened the event, he expressed his enthusiasm for presenting the first public lecture in the...

September 22, 2021

SBM ITB Lecturer Team Hosted a Workshop to Instill Environmental Awareness at a Young Age

BANDUNG, The phrase Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is probably already familiar to the general population. Many initiatives and actions have been launched to promote the achievement of these SDGs. To accomplish this, multiple parties must work together to fulfill this aim, because socializing the SDGs is not as simple as turning...

September 22, 2021

Retired STEI ITB Professor Rochani Jahja Widodo Passed Away

BANDUNG,—ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) mourns the passing of Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Rochani Jahja Widodo, M.Sc. from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB. He was reported to depart on Tuesday, 21 September 2021, 17.23 WIB at Borromeus Hospital, Bandung. ...

September 22, 2021