Ganesha Batik Workshop: Spread the Culture by Training Others

BANDUNG, - The various colors and pattern of batik were displayed on basketball field west Campus Center ITB. It comes from Ganesha Membatik event which was  conducted by ITB Javanese Dance and Karawitan Association (PSTK) ITB. The participants came from different ages, from elementary school to elderly people, joined this educative...

March 17, 2011

Studium Genrale: National Innovation System

BANDUNG, - Technology innovation has always been less-publicized than politics. Lately, the trend is starting to shift in favor of the first. More and more people, especially governmental officials, have started to pay more attention to technology innovations and realize the crucial role they play in the nation's...

March 12, 2011

Studium Generale: Students' Role in Corruption Prevention

BANDUNG, - Without question, corruption is one of the biggest adversaries of any countries in the world. Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) recently held a study that says that in 2010, financial loss due to corruption is as high as Rp. 3,6 trliion."University campuses are the most pivotal places to prevent future corruptions,"...

March 09, 2011

National Innovation Contest M-Fest 2011: Educating and Developing Technology Innovations among Youth

BANDUNG, - The National Innovation Contest (NIC) M-Fest took part last February, involving numerous high schools and their creations in various competitions as part of the event. The NIC was divided into three main agendas with different segments; physics law proving competition, science quiz, and technology innovation contest between...

February 10, 2011

IUGC 2011 National Seminar: Proliferating Geothermal Energy as a Viable Solution to Indonesia's Energy Needs

BANDUNG, - The Geophysics Engineering Student Union "TERRA" just recently held an event titled Undergraduate Geophysics Competition (IUGC) 2011 for the first time. One of the key agendas of the whole event was a seminar themed "Geothermal: Our Savior for a Better Tomorrow".The seminar hosted six keynote speakers; Dr....

February 14, 2011

ITB Held Press Conference on Japan's Nuclear Reactor

BANDUNG, - The recent earthquake devastating Japan was widely monitored by nuclear scientists and enthusiasts due to the explosion in the Fukushima reactor it caused. ITB Nuclear expert Prof. Zaki Su'ud from the Physics Department, along with Dr. Irwan Meilano from Geodesy Department gave a press conference concerning the implications of...

March 15, 2011

SEF -ITB Triumphed in South-East Asian English Debate Olympics 2011

BANDUNG, - Two teams from ITB Student English Forum (SEF-ITB) successfully bester other South-East Asian institutions and took 1st and 2nd place in the 2011 Southeast Asian English Olympics (SEO), Debating category. The competition, held anually by Bina Nusantara, hosted numerous foreign institutions such as University College of...

March 22, 2011