National Innovation Contest M-Fest 2011: Educating and Developing Technology Innovations among Youth
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - The National Innovation Contest (NIC) M-Fest took part last February, involving numerous high schools and their creations in various competitions as part of the event. The NIC was divided into three main agendas with different segments; physics law proving competition, science quiz, and technology innovation contest between universities.
Participants came from various provinces and islands, some as far as Jambi. The event's capability to invite and interest participants from faraway areas is applaudable.
The winners of the science quiz competitions were:
1. Canisius College
2. SMA 61 Jakarta
3. SMAN 3 Bandung
For the physics law proving competition, participants were required to create devices and contraptions from junk in order to prove that the existing laws of physics are true. Participants were also required to present and explain their creations to the judges. The winners of the competition were:
1. SMAN 1 Bandung with their creation the teeter tipping ball
2. SMAN 1 Bandung with their miniature of a water power plant
3. SMAN 3 Bandung on the Newton Law
The last competition pitches teams from various universities to channel their ideas on innovative technology products. It is hoped that the products can foster researches and new ideas in creating technologies that may increase the well-being of the people.