Infamous Computer Science Conjecture Proved on ITB Combinatorics Today Series Event
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, Combinatorics Today Series event (23 April 2022) this time showcased the young academician Hao Huang from the National University of Singapore (NUS), Saturday (23/4/2022). This combinatorics expert caused quite a stir in the combinator and computer science world when he succeeded to proclaim evidence of sensitivity conjecture in 2019.
Right now, Huang is still with Emory University in the United States. This conjecture that had been open for almost thirty years was coined by Noam Nisan and Mario Szegedy in 1992 and is one of the most important conjectures in the computer science field.
The evidence presented by Huang was very simple and only two pages long. Said evidence was based on a combinatorial study of the points of an n-dimensional cube; a fundamental yet clever idea. Furthermore, Huang was given appreciation for his findings, some among them being the 2019 NSF CAREER and 2020 Sloan Research Fellowship awards.
The lecture titled “Interlacing Methods in Extremal Combinatorics” was attended by about 45 participants (consisting of lecturers, researchers, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students) from various universities from Indonesia and abroad too. Some of those participants from overseas countries come from the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Pakistan, China, and other countries.
This CTS 2022 lecture was opened by the Dean of FMNS ITB Prof. Wahyu Srigutomo and was held by the FMNS ITB Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group. Further information regarding CTS 2022 is available on
Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro, Head of the Combinatorics Today Series (CTS) 2022 Committee, expressed his joy for the event, since Hao Huang was willing to share his knowledge on this CTS forum to explain his relatively new yet elegant findings regarding siad infamous conjecture.
“This is an injection shot of motivation and encouragement for the younger generation to play a more active role in research," he said.
Furthermore, Prof. Edy gave an invitation for Assoc. Prof. Hao Huang to visit ITB and carry out research collaborations in the near future.
Source: FMNS ITB Release
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2021)