Intertwine Tight Relationship, FTMD ITB Answer Through International Day 2015
By Syardianto
Editor Syardianto

Base on the argumentation in above, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) Institute of Tehcnology Bandung held knowladge seminar to his colleger that tittle "FTMD International Day 2015". This seminar has purpose to close gathering's line between foreign colleger and Indonesian colleger in FTMD and also as the media of sharing to how experience of study in Indonesia,also to show and introduce their country. At academic year 2014/2015 semester 2, FTMD accept around teen foreign colleger from some countries likes Japan, Kamboja, Vietnam, Czech Republic, and Nepal that from exchange, double degree, and strata-2 students spread off in mechanical, aerospace and material major.
Seminar that located in FTMD building, Labtek II, Saturday (09/05/15) attended by teen foreign colleger, 80 Indonesian colleger, and department chief. At 4101 room, this seminar begins to greeting speech by Mr. Zainal as chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department, and continued to humble games to purpose nearby self between foreign colleger and Indonesian colleger in order not any awkward. "Of course we hope our students can get any friends trough introduction or interaction and likewise them," said Zainal.
After create warmth trough humble games that commanded by guide, continued to presentation by foreign colleger as the media of sharing knowladge that contain their purpose study in Indonesia, their immpresion study in Indonesia, condition of their country likes geographical location, occupant population, and tourism resort, also education information in each country such as information of education in Japan, Czech Republic, and Vietnam, until estimate of lifecost there.
Founded when short interview at the day, Tanioka Horoki (Colleger from Japan) choose study in Indonesia because his interest to Indonesia start from his journey to Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Bali, then friendliness from Indonesia people that make himself feel comfortable stay in this country.
FTMD International Day 2015 is ceremonial sharing foreign colleger with Indonesian colleger at the same faculty that held for the first time in ITB. This activity that very motivate and useful grabed FTMD students to get closely introduce, interacting, and switch of thinking with foreign colleger from others country also as the media to add knowladge that is they can ilustrate to how study in Foreign Country. "This is first agenda that be held, we wish this agenda can be continued to implemented because see increadible benefit and enthusiastic from our student," said Zainal.

After create warmth trough humble games that commanded by guide, continued to presentation by foreign colleger as the media of sharing knowladge that contain their purpose study in Indonesia, their immpresion study in Indonesia, condition of their country likes geographical location, occupant population, and tourism resort, also education information in each country such as information of education in Japan, Czech Republic, and Vietnam, until estimate of lifecost there.

FTMD International Day 2015 is ceremonial sharing foreign colleger with Indonesian colleger at the same faculty that held for the first time in ITB. This activity that very motivate and useful grabed FTMD students to get closely introduce, interacting, and switch of thinking with foreign colleger from others country also as the media to add knowladge that is they can ilustrate to how study in Foreign Country. "This is first agenda that be held, we wish this agenda can be continued to implemented because see increadible benefit and enthusiastic from our student," said Zainal.