ITB and Foreign Researchers Will Work Together to Cure Citarum River
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

"The international news about Citarum River concerned us. Citarum has been titled as the most polluted river in the world. If the pollution in Citarum can be resolved, the same process then can be applied in the other region," Director Institute for Science, Innovation, and Society from Radboud University Nijmegen A.J.M. Smits said on Wednesday (28/01/15).
"Saving Citarum is not only for Indonesia, but for the sake of world preservation," he added.
As the longest river in West Java, 297 km in length, Citarum holds important rules as the provider of drinking water, irrigation, and power plant. Citarum River's headwater is in Situ Cisanti in Bandung District and the downstream belongs to Muara Gembong, Bekasi District. The pollution from headwater to downstream has attracted public's attention including the foreign researchers to solve the problems.
Hans Komakech, the researcher from Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science Technology, declared his willingness solving Citarum's problems after working on curing Pangani River in Tanzania related to the deflation of water discharge and pollution. The pollution's negative impacts can be resolved as the people contribute actively in the program. As the result, the work has shown positive impacts in the last few years.
Dr. Dwina Roosmini as the part of the team said that the program includes community assistance which is done by the students who are currently studying in the fast track program. She hoped that the partnership with the foreign researchers can be applied soon for the better life in Citarum River. The cure of Citarum River not only is done by developing the infrastructures, but also economy empowerment and social development for the people who lives nearby the river. The termination of pollution which has already happened for many years is undoubtedly the main target of the partnership.
News Source: Harian KOMPAS
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