KM ITB Cabinet Holds Free Medical Check-Up 2.0 for Students

By Indra Putra Lohanata - Mahasiswa Aktuaria, 2021

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.

A student undergoes blood sugar, uric acid, and cholesterol level tests at Klinik Utama Bumi Medika Ganesha ITB on Wednesday (12/3/2025).

BANDUNG, – Kabinet Keluarga Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (Kabinet KM ITB), through the Coordinating Ministry for Student Welfare (Kesma), organized Free Medical Check-Up 2.0 at Klinik Utama Bumi Medika Ganesha ITB on March 12-13, 2025.

In this medical check-up, participants underwent blood pressure measurement (tension), blood sugar level test, uric acid level test, and cholesterol level test.

One of the organizers, Robi Salam (Electrical Power Engineering, 2023), stated that this event marked the second year of the Free Medical Check-Up, held in collaboration with the same clinic.

This event aimed to reach 150 participants and was open to ITB students from various campuses, including ITB Ganesha Campus, ITB Jatinangor Campus, and ITB Cirebon Campus.

ITB Jatinangor Campus students also participated in the Free Medical Check-Up 2.0 event on Wednesday (12/3/2025).

This initiative was based on an analysis showing that many students realized their health was not in optimal condition. Therefore, Kesma Kabinet KM ITB took the initiative to organize this program, allowing students to access healthcare services more easily without needing to register independently at clinics or hospitals.

This event has had a positive impact. "From several samples we asked, the results showed that after undergoing the medical check-up and receiving their health figures such as uric acid levels, blood sugar, and others, they became aware of the necessary medical actions to improve their condition," said Robi.

Students are waiting for their turn for the medical check-up on Wednesday (12/3/2025).

With the Free Medical Check-Up 2.0, it is hoped that ITB students will become more aware of their health and have easier access to regular health check-ups.

Reporter:   Indra Putra Lohanata (Aktuaria, 2021)
Translator: Indira Akmalia Hendri

#kabinet km itb #km itb #kesehatan mahasiswa