ITB Career Center: Trace ITB Alumni Profile Through Tracer Study
By Bangkit Dana Setiawan
Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

In his speech, Prof Ir. Kadarsah explained his appreciation to LK due to their achievement for documenting the results of each field which is done well. Ranging from scholarhip, Career Center and also about ITB extracurricular activities. Furthermore, Kadarsah also reminded about the result of this tracer study is very important to 2013 curriculum evaluation process. "One characteristic of this 2013 curriculum is outcomes-based. The one form of outcome is ITB graduated profiles in work life," said Kadarsah.
Furthermore, Bambang Tri as chief of ITB Career Center went to the stage for presenting the result of a tracer study which is done during 2013. The result of tracer study came from ITB graduated batch 2006 and the number of respondents who filled ut questionnaires was 72% of the total graduate which was 1.902 persons. From these number, the largest precentage of respondents was came from Art and Design Major which was 100% , and the lowest one was Petroleum Engineering Major which was 45%.
ITB Alumni Profiles
The profil who can be known by this tracer study is quite comprehensive, ranging from the average GPA, the distribution of type work, distribution of salary, untill average time delay to get the job. This can be used for education and teaching assessment obtained at ITB and also can be motivation to student who haven't finished their study yet.
From that research, the highest average GPA is 4 and the lowest is 2,34. If it is viewed from major average GPA, the highest average GPA came from Visual Communication Design major (3,52) and the lowest one came from Geodesy Engineering (2,95). Furthermore, the data showed that nowadays of 2006 alumni who is working amounted to 69,47%, followed by the number of not working/continueing study amounted 19,37% and the rest are entrepreneur at 5,26 % or 100 persons. From that amount of almuni who is working, most of them work at national company (46,59%) and there is also multinational company worker (36,21%) and local company worker (17,20%).
The major which had the highest amount of alumni who are entreprenur was Product Design Major at 38,89 % from the total alumni. But in the other hand, there were also majors who had not entrepreneur graduatded, such as Power Engineering, Mining Engineering , Petreloum Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Geollogical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Oceanography, Astronomy, and Aeronautics.
In details, tracer study also observed few data delay timee average to get a job. Based on the result of survey, alumni batch 2006 needed average of 3,85 monthd after graduated to find a job. The interesting thing was there is 7,67% who get jobs without sending application to those company or on the other terms is some of the alumbi were directly recruited by particular company.
If seen by the average income per months, alumni batch 2006 had well salary which was above of the Regional Minimum Wage (RMW). With an average of Rp 12.348.148/month for entrepreneur and Rp 8.288.067/month for worker. Seen from wach major, alumni who had the highest salary came from Petroleum and Mining Engineering of Rp 14.861.538/month and Rp 14.423.374/month respectively.
Beside of those data, tracer study also observed about skills who are needed in work life, the reason choosing job, and the constrains in the work life. All of those things aims for knowing education result in transition way from collegelife till work life, outcome of educational is self assessments and then process evaluation for study and contribution university to competency which has been owned.