ITB Dormitories Organize Counseling Activity, Hosts Seminar "Love and Learn Community: Peer Counselor 101"

By Anggun Nindita

Editor Diky Purnama, S.Si.,M.Ds.

JATINANGOR, –   ITB Dormitories organized a seminar titled "Love and Learn Community: Peer Counselor 101" on Saturday (23/09/2023) at Gedung Kuliah Umum 1 (GKU 1) on ITB Jatinangor Campus.   The event was organized by ITB Dormitory Tutors and Counseling Guidance (BK) from ITB Directorate of Student Affairs. Psychologist Yusi Prasiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi. from the BK Directorate of Student Affairs was invited as a speaker at the event.

The seminar was attended by ITB Dormitory Tutors with the goal of enhancing their understanding of the role and skills required to be effective counseling mentors in the dormitory.

At ITB Dormitories, counseling activities are conducted by dormitory tutors for the students as part of the mandatory agenda.  This seminar proved to be valuable in providing dormitory tutors with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel as counseling mentors. As a result, they are now able to create a safe and welcoming environment for their younger peers to openly express their thoughts and concerns.

Yusi Prasiwi started by explaining the definition of stress as the body's response to situations that are perceived as dangerous or difficult. "Having a solid grasp of stress is essential, particularly because numerous students who seek guidance from counseling mentors encounter different levels of stress," she stated.

She also emphasized the importance of recognizing counseling mentees as empowered individuals who have complete autonomy over their own lives. "Counseling mentors have the important task of being present, accepting the mentees with all their potential and problems, and creating a comfortable and trustworthy environment for the mentees to open up and develop," she stated.

She went on to explain the four primary functions of counseling: prevention, adjustment, improvement, and development.

One important aspect in prevention is taking proactive measures to avoid potential issues. Next, there is the aspect of adjustment, which entails the process of adapting to life's changes. Meanwhile, improvement is all about problem-solving and making positive changes. Ultimately, development efforts are centered around improving knowledge and skills.

In addition, she highlighted several essential skills that a counseling mentor should have. These skills involve empathic listening, effective response, and establishing trust.

Furthermore, empathic listening, or the skill of listening with empathy, involves receiving, paying attention to, and giving meaning to every message heard. Empathic listening is crucial for developing strong relationships, fostering trust, and encouraging open communication.

Responding effectively to the mentees' conditions is a crucial skill for a counseling mentor. It requires the ability to provide appropriate and professional guidance. It can be achieved by reiterating the information shared by the mentees, ensuring comprehension, giving constructive feedback, and supplying any necessary information.

Another important skill is establishing trust. It involves building trust with mentees by focusing on their needs, creating action plans, and effectively beginning and concluding counseling sessions.

She made it clear that counseling mentors are not considered experts in the field. Therefore, a counseling mentor is not required to offer solutions to every problem encountered by their mentees.

She emphasized the importance of considering different perspectives and avoiding reliance on others. Nevertheless, it is crucial for the counseling mentor to maintain a professional demeanor and fully embrace the mentees without judgment.

However, she provided a solution for mentors who may feel overwhelmed by their mentees' issues. In such situations, individuals can utilize the referral method.

"It is advisable to suggest the mentees to reach out to individuals with greater expertise in the relevant field for assistance."  She explained the importance of providing the necessary assistance to the mentees.

The seminar concluded with counseling practice by dormitory tutors and was followed by comments and direct advice from the speaker.  At the end of the event, attendees were also reminded of the significance of offering support to others and taking care of themselves in order to effectively aid others.

The session concluded by presenting a souvenir to the speaker. The souvenir presentation was conducted by Nanan Hendayana, A.Md., SAP, the Head of Character Development Section at ITB Directorate of Student Affairs.

Reporter: Iko Sutrisko Prakasa Lay (Matematika 2021)

Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)

Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)