ITB Expands New Multicampus Network in Jakarta
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

JAKARTA, with National Education Day on May 2, 2023, to strengthen ITB’s commitment to multicampus development in Jakarta, ITB is preparing the 10th and 12th floor of Graha Irama Building on Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, to become a permanent ITB Jakarta Campus.
"The development of the ITB Jakarta Campus is to provide wider access to education since ITB as a campus with basic competence in science and technology should be able to answer the community’s needs. Therefore, we open multidisciplinary programs to bridge ITB's various competencies in the science and technology fields in order to create added value for society, industry, and government," Prof. Reini said.
To prepare the ITB Jakarta Campus, ITB is currently developing facilities and infrastructures on the 10th and 12th floor of the Graha Irama building to facilitate new programs, whether it be postgraduate study programs and non-degree programs, research activities, community service as well as other higher education tridharma activities, or research and community service, by making the ITB Jakarta Campus a hub.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng. as the acting Dean of SBM ITB stated, “The presence of ITB Jakarta Campus is to strengthen ITB’s gait in the capital city after having the SBM ITB Jakarta Campus, with SBM postgraduate programs. Starting from 2023, ITB will add new study programs, especially postgraduate programs, in Jakarta.”
Prof. Jaka Sembiring added that there are currently more than 1,000 SBM ITB students on the Jakarta campus. With there being other postgraduate programs, it is hoped that more students will be able to join the various scientific fields owned by the Faculties/Schools at ITB.
A number of collaborations have been established both with domestic and foreign partners, with the advantage of the 12 ITB Faculties/Schools being a strength that students can collaborate with each other, for example in the technopreneurship field. ITB also continues to carry out transformation efforts that support the strength and uniqueness of each ITB Faculty/School.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)