ITB Held an Inaugural Ceremony to Welcome The New Students of 2013

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

BANDUNG, - For welcoming new students, ITB held an inaugural ceremony academic year 2013/2014 on Monday (19/08/13) in Sasana Budaya Ganesha Bandung. This event was attended by rector of ITB, Members of The Advisory Board (Majelis Wali Amanat,MWA), Members of Professor Commitee (Majelis Guru Besar, MGB), Members of Academic Senate, Members of Audit Council, Dean of the Faculty, Head of Major, and also undergraduate, master, and Ph.D students.
After singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, the event was opened with the report of new students admission program by the Director of Directorate of Education, Dr. Ir. Mindriani Syafila, MS. This year, ITB accepted 5910 new students, consisted of 3660 undergraduate students, 2098 master students, and 152 Ph.D students from around Indonesia. ITB also accepted international students for undergraduate program. They were included from Yaman, Afghanistan, Iran, and the other countries.

According to Rector's decree on the 19th August 2013, students accepted in all program who had fulfilled academic and administration requirements were officially inaugurated as ITB students for academic year 2013/2014. Then, the event was continued by the swear-in of the students oath declaration, which asserted that they promised to study hard and will contributes in the development of Indonesia.

In this session, Rector of ITB, Prof. Akhmaloka PhD, gave a welcome speech to new students. He also emphasized the importance of academic excellence norm. Then, as the tradition continued, it was followed by a scientific oration. The theme was about technopreneurship, which entitled "Integrated Concept of Technology, Inovation, and Entrepreneurship." This scientific oration was given by Dr. Wawan Dhewanto, from Entrepreneuship and Technology Management Expertise Group, School of Business and Management ITB.

Moreover, in this occasion ITB gave awards to the best academic students from each of major, the primary best students, and best students in sports, scientific and social, also innovative creation. The top three of the primary best students or also known as Ganesha Prize  were Marsha Faradina (Chemical Engineering 2009), Tubagus Andhika Nugraha (Informatics Engineering 2010), and Meutia Arinta (Environment Engineering 2009).

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