ITB held Gathering to Intensify Relationship with Scholarship Partners

Oleh Bayu Septyo

Editor Bayu Septyo

BANDUNG, - Providing education in college requires no small cost. However, it's not a reason to give up in creating quality education for our people. In addition, education is also the key to success of a nation. Now, Indonesia is still categorized as a country that has small percentage on its college graduate. ITB as one of the best universities in Indonesia has commitment to solve this problem, to provide accessible quality education for everyone. ITB with government and its partners have been trying to make sure any students with golden mind but lack of financial power will never stop to keep studying. Therefore, in order to nurture this cooperative work, ITB through Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK) as the administrator of student's scholarship held "ITB Scholarship and Sponsorship Gathering" on Friday (26/02/16) at East Hall of Ganesha Campus. With theme of "We Share and We Care", the activity invited various partners of scholarship in ITB, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, M.Sc., Ph.D., and representative of ITB & Partners scholarship receiver.

 Brian Yuliarto, Ph.D., as chairman of LK ITB, in his speech explained that total students of ITB recently reach 15000 people by number of new students each year about 3500 people. To financially support underpriviledged students, ITB provided three sources of scholarship, from ITB itself (66%), government (28%) and partners/donators (6%). In 2015, its total has reached 150 billion rupiahs that distributed for all 9933 grantees. These scholarships consists of BPPS, Full Program, Books Program, and Final Test Program.

Partners ITB who attended the event include the Association of Parents of Student (IOM) ITB, ABB Jurgeon Dormann Foundation, Asan Sofian, Bakrie Center Foundation, Bank BCA, Bank Indonesia, BAZNAS, Bank Maybank, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical, Djarum Foundation, PT TEP, Tjipta Bachelor Bangun Desa, IA ITB 1978, IA ITB 1980, PT Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Indonesian International Education Foundation, Yayasan Karya Salemba Four, Komatsu Indonesia Peduli Foundation, Konan Sekkei Corp., PT Lautan Luas, Tanoto Foundation, PT Lautan Luas , Synergy Foundation, Mitsubishi Corp., Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia, PT TJ Park Foundation, PT Protelindo, the Parent Group, Yayasan Marga Jaya Sejahtera, Indonesia Lotte Foundation, Toyota Foundation Asta, VDMS, Nitya Bhaskara Widya Foundation, Foundation for Social Services Santoso, Foundation Asahi Glass Idonesia, YPKAAR, YPTI, YBM-BRI, and so forth. Activities that opened with the typical dance presentation Banyuwangi presented by the Cultural Unit Banyuwangi (UKAWANGI) ITB, filled also by testimony from representatives of the ITB partner, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical and IOM ITB.

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