E-Talk, Sharing Experiences and Knowledge in the Enterprise

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Ministry of Enterprise KM-ITB held Entrepreneurship Talk (E-Talk) on Monday (02/03/14). The second E-Talk was carried out in the audio-visual room atcentral library ITB with concept of sharing and mentoring. There were three speakers: Gibran Huzaifah Amsi (Biology 2007), Robbi ZidnaIlman (Architecture 2007), and Batara Surya Kartika (Mechanical Engineering 2007). The event which lasted for two hours was intended to mentor ITB students who wanted to know the ins and outs of the business over, and also to raise and increase the desire for entrepreneurship.
Gibran started the event with his experience in the field of entrepreneurship. He started his business of raising worms to a technology called E-Fishery. He was the first winner of the Indonesia ICT Award. He wants the benefits of information technology is not only felt by the urban community, but also the farmers. Similarly with Gibran, Robbi also started its business from the smallest business to form a venture called 'agritektur'. He argued that there should be a value in any form of entrepreneurship, not just for profit. In contrast to the experience Batara, he claimed that he starter to be an entrepreneur by "selling" other people's experience as the director in the business in the field of machine. "In the Sundanese word, at that time I just "congor" capital," he said. While being asked about the reason for choosing to entrepreneurship, Gibran said that he found the challenge in the entrepreneurship and wanted to start to be independent, one of which was to finance his college life itself. Besides, he also went on to the next step to pay his sister for school finance and family finance. Similar to Gibran, Robbi chose to be an entrepreneur to alleviate the burden of parents. According to him, entrepreneurship can also give more impact when compared with the work. "We can lead a business, can declare its own program, and also can provide a value that we want to give to the community," he added. The three of them by chance once have become a chairman of the Department Student Association respectively in 2010. The activity was then closed with a mentoring group directly by the third speaker. Iman Muhammad (STI 2010), Minister for Enterprise KM ITB, said that the next would be held the third E-Talk more arousing for ITB students in entrepreneurship. "Hopefully, this event may be more influential and open the mindset of ITB students, especially in Technopreneurship so that their products can include Indonesian market and more independent in their production," he said.

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