ITB Lecturer Presents IoT Innovation for Digital Economy Development
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the terms that dominates today’s civilization that uses digital technology. Over time, IoT continues to grow until it can solve various problems that were never thought of before. Dr. Fadhil Hidayat, S.Kom., M.T. from ITB Information Technology Research Group then discussed the matter in a Public Lecture "IoT Innovation for Digital Economy Development" on Tuesday (16/02/2021).
According to Dr. Fadhil, the essence of IoT is to make things smart. Simply, how IoT works can be seen easily by reviewing its three main parts, namely the physical layer, the network layer, and the application layer.
However, in its development, IoT is further divided into several parts as needed. This is due to the assumptions that have sprung up around the three main sections. IoT is considered not as perfect as the system imagined.
“IoT will experience rapid development from 2021. This can be seen from the use of IoT in digital twins, which are nothing but digital representations of real objects,” said Dr. Fadhil.
IoT functions to respond and send sensing data to digital models so that they can give warnings to the system. This is the reason why IoT can be applied in many fields. Starting from the automation of transportation tickets, automatic facial or emotion-based identity detection systems to real-time safety and security systems.
Dr. Fadhil then continued the discussion by talking about information security challenges in IoT. “IoT certainly has quite complex information security challenges. There have been many circulating practices that interfere with privacy data, network systems, and much more," he said.
In overcoming this, Dr. Fadhil and his colleagues have made efforts to prevent counterfeiting of smart meter data and theft of customer data with light computing mechanisms. They also implement a smart pairing system, which is the integration of more than one device at once that can respond by connecting quickly. Not to forget the sybil attack prevention, which is a technique to prevent attacks from fake networks.
ITB itself, according to Dr. Fadhil, has developed IoT cases that can be imitated for various needs. ITB also manages to test various IoT devices and become a meeting place for producers and users. "In the future, it can provide progress for Indonesia's digital economy," he hoped.
Reporter: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019
Translator: Aghisna Syifa Rahmani (Biologi, 2020)