ITB Loedroek Performs in GKJ

Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

JAKARTA- In the busy of the semester’s final examination period, ITB’s Loedroek Unit is still writing. On the night of Friday (23/5) they presented with Ludruk Puspo Budoyo, SMAN 1 Malang Alumni in the Jakarta Art Building (GKJ). The play staged was called “Adipati Sengguruh”. One of the purposes of organizing Pegalaran Ludruk Nostalgia is to show appreciation to ITB Loedroek Unit as the young generation that still show regard for the exclusive Eastern Java traditional art. Members of ITB Loedroek who particpated in the show were Wisnu Sukmanegara TI’05, Fasriansyah TG’04, Dimas Triwicaksono MS’06, Anang Zamroni EL’04, Wahyu Agung TA’04, Kuncup Putih DP’04, Andik Mirta Yusianto TA’06, Saiful Hidayat EL’04, Tito Anggara DP’04, Rizki Prima Sakti MS’06, Wiryo Bagaskoro EL’06, and Johanes Ricky Sihombing EL’06. It was an honor for the ITB Loedroek members to have the opportunity of playing alongside actors who play roles of characters based on historical events as comics like Kirun, Eko DJ, Tessy, Nurbuat and Rohana. Tito Anggara DP’04 had the chance of taking Alyssa Soebandono in his bride in the play while playing the role of Raden Dyanaya, prince Adipati Sengguruh who wanted to marry Princess Sunan Gribik (Alyssa Soebandono). “Adipati Sengguruh” is a story about Adipati Sengguruh who was accused of betrayal after failing to destroy Sunan Giri’s tomb. He returns to Islam and boarded in Sunan Gibrik’s school. Prince Adipati Sengguruhfalls in love with princess Sunan Gribik. With the help of Adipati Pajang, Adipati Sengguruh won the attack of the Majapahit army and was accepted as officer once again. The show is not the first time ITB Loedroek worked with Puspo Budoyo. Before this in the Guyonan Campur Tokoh play “Puspo Budoyo” celebrating ITB’s 49th Dies Natalis where ITB’s Rector took part in the play, ITB Loedroek was also involved in making a splendid show.

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